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The Boogie Board

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  1. Toxikblewzz

    Problems hearing in smaller venues 2X12 Vert, added Pic.

    That looks WICKED!! very cool!
  2. Toxikblewzz

    My Band's New Video.

    Very cool!
  3. Toxikblewzz

    Performance Compensation

    Just my .02, I have been in a 95% cover band for the past 6 years. 4 piece - as a rule we try to get $400 a night. for special events (Halloween, New Years Eve) we shoot for minimum of double that. I really think it depends on where you live and how much competition there is in your market. Most...
  4. Toxikblewzz

    Guitar strings

    I am a simple guy, ernie ball - 10-52 for at least the last 10-15 years. 8)