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  1. looder

    Mini rect switching pop from the led?

    Hey all. I'm using a switcher with relay output in order to control my amp channel switching. When I actually switch channels with it there's a pop coming out form the channel selector led area. There's no such pop when using the original amp foot switch, but there's a smaller one when manually...
  2. looder

    Changing from express 5:50 to mini rec?

    Well I wanted to update that I did the swap! This mini recto is one goddamn beast! Real happy with the dist sound on this one.. So I guess overall it was a good call!
  3. looder

    Changing from express 5:50 to mini rec?

    Hey, I bought the express 5:50 few months ago from the store. To be honest, it wasn't my usual routine of buying gear cause I usually learn a lot about it, read reviews, listen to youtube clips etc. But I ended up buying it without checking any other amp (Was intending to buy Carvin V3M, glad I...
  4. looder

    Master on 0 but keeps playing...?

    Hey guys! New here and new to having a Mesa amp.. So I have my 5:50+ combo for about 3 weeks and I've noticed that when I roll the mast to complete 0 I still can hear my guitar plays on a low BUT NOTICEABLE volume. this happens on both channels and on all circles (5w,25w,50w). I play guitar...