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  1. mysquaredontfit

    DC5 lead channel honk

    The new power tubes pass the thump test, but I wouldn't be surprised if the preamp tubes were just old and worn out as well. They don't squeal or exhibit any undue amount of hiss or general noise, but given that the power tubes were 10 years old at the youngest, I could imagine the preamp...
  2. mysquaredontfit

    DC5 lead channel honk

    Head, does the same thing in both my 1960 cab with g12t-75s and a mojotone 410 with g10l-35s. It's annoying because I can't any clarity with low gain tones like I hear other people getting.
  3. mysquaredontfit

    DC5 lead channel honk

    Just replaced the power tubes in my DC5 to find and incredible improvement in overall tone (it had old STR430's in it) but something still persists that is nagging at me. When I turn the gain down on the lead channel (as in anything below 7) there is this pronounced mid-range honk that appears...
  4. mysquaredontfit

    Mercury transformers, stock? (pics)

    Doesn't get any clearer than that. Thank you!
  5. mysquaredontfit

    DC Mods that are easy to do!

    I have a DC5B and I'd like to do the blanket removal mod. Could someone point out (in a photo) the location of the 75pf cap I need to replace? This would also obviously key me into the location of the 120pf caps I need to remove, which are described as right next to the 75. I'm not so great...
  6. mysquaredontfit

    Mercury transformers, stock? (pics)

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but upon taking apart my DC-5 out of pure curiosity I found a pleasant surprise, or at least what could be one - a Mercury Magnetics output transformer! Before I get too excited, though - were Mesas ever built with MM's from the factory? This amp had been modded...