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  1. N

    My TriAxis Experience

    Where can you find the serial number on a Triaxis?
  2. N

    Great night out with the V25 tonight

    So through a 4X4, is this loud enough to play Priest, Maiden, etc. in a two guitar band?
  3. N

    Mesa Boogie Dual Recto Reborn - MINT

    I am actually interested in buying this. I live on Long Island. Are you still selling?
  4. N

    Space between a triaxis and 2:90

    Thanks guys. Good info. Joe, I have that exact same Furman Unit. I was thinking about removing it from the rack and just using a Monster power strip/surge protector on the floor. Thoughts? It would make the rack lighter and let me get down to a 4u. 2:90 , Triaxis, Rocktron Xpression
  5. N

    Space between a triaxis and 2:90

    Is the a triaxis supported only by 4 screws in the front rail or do you have some type of support rail under it?
  6. N

    Space between a triaxis and 2:90

    Do you guys stack one on top of the other or do you leave an open space for heat dissipation. And if you do, then what supports the weight of the Triaxis? Thanks, Mike
  7. N

    MK V Extreme Less Gain Than IV Setting?

    When I first got my Mark V I recorded a quick vid of me fooling around with the Extreme Mode. The playing isn't great and completely off the top of my head but you can hear the gain. I kind of like it.
  8. N

    Rack size for Triaxis/2:90

    I have to order this online. I am looking for a 6 space rack case and I don't want it to be too small. I've heard the skb ones could be snug. Can you guys recommend some specs, or a link to a case that will definitely accommodate the depth of the Triaxis? Thanks, Mike
  9. N

    Incoming New Amp Day: Triaxis!!

    Yes! Definitely keep me posted on how you do with it.
  10. N

    Incoming New Amp Day: Triaxis!!

    Very cool! Thanks. how about a midi floor board controller? I really plan on a simple setup. A wah out front maybe and a delay and chorus in the loop so I really will not be changing any parameters, just patches. What would you suggest?
  11. N

    Incoming New Amp Day: Triaxis!!

    Just pulled the trigger on a 2:90 from Ebay and a Tiaxis on consignment at the Mesa Hollywood store. Version 2, recto board, non-phat mod. Total whim purchase. never even played one but wanted to try to build a small rack just because the traixis has always intrigued me. Well? What can I...
  12. N

    roadster channel 4 mode fault?

    Thread resurrection! I just got a Roadster and have exactly the same issue. So basically the manual is a little flawed because it does lead you to believe that channel 3 and 4 are almost identical except channel 4 has higher presence.
  13. N

    New amp problems: Roadster

    Just picked up a mesa Roadster, used off of Craigslist. I read the entire manual and am messing with settings. I'm getting a nice sparkly powerful distortion on channel 3. Now, when I turn to channel 4 there is a noticeable drop in volume and especially highs. Settings are absolutely...
  14. N

    Roadster vs. New Dual Rectifier

    Resurrecting this topic form the grave!! Any more thoughts? I think reverb is a big plus on the Roadster. Any more tonal observations? I'm between the two.
  15. N

    FS: Mesa Boogie Triaxis And Mesa Boogie 2:90 and +

    I am very interested. I live on Long Island. If you don't want to ship, we can meet somewhere.
  16. N

    Mark V vs. Triaxis

    Yeah and the Triaxis has that recto board or mod or whatever, so if you were looking for a little bit of that along with the Mark sound, the Triaxis would be the way to go?
  17. N

    Triaxis Questions about versions and recto sounds

    I think I'm going to take the plunge and build a full Triaxis rig. I've been curious since the nineties so I think I'm just going to do it. My questions is on the versions. I know that the Triaxis is Mark series tones but I hear a lot about the recto mod. Should I look for that? If I buy one...
  18. N

    Mark V vs. Triaxis

    Thank you. Can the V get anything remotely close to the lossenss of a recto? For that matter, can the Triaxis?
  19. N

    FS: Mesa Boogie Triaxis And Mesa Boogie 2:90 and +

    Is it in perfect working order? Thanks, Mike
  20. N

    Mark V vs. Triaxis

    I am thinking about pulling the trigger on a Triaxis just because I have been drooling over them since the nineties and thought I would finally treat myself. However, what would that offer me, as far as tone, that a Mark V wouldn't? Thanks, Mike