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  1. D

    Triple Rec running on 4 tubes

    Hm, here is an answer directly from Mesa, it basically underlines what we said here, except for the detail that Triple has much more resistance to these experiments than Dual :) ---- Hey there, With a Triple Rectifier you basically have a choice of either 4 or 8 ohms depending on your...
  2. D

    Triple Rec running on 4 tubes

    I agree, but I have specific case. Read again:
  3. D

    Triple Rec running on 4 tubes

    Isn't that exactly what I wrote? Read again my post please, I think we are talking about same thing :)
  4. D

    Triple Rec running on 4 tubes

    Thanks for trying to clarify this issue for me. Here is the answer I got from my amp tech: "If you remove one pair of tubes, be sure to run your cabinet connected like this: 8ohm output on your Triple to 16ohm input on your cabinet". I'll try to find out what happens when you pull out ANOTHER...
  5. D

    Triple Rec running on 4 tubes

    Hi everybody! I read through some previous posts, where discussion was about running Dual Rec on half power. My question concerms my Triple Rec head. Here is the question: recently, my 3 rectifier and one of my 6L6 power tubes got damaged in transport. I ordered new tubes and are currently...