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  1. D

    Spongy mode is dead on Roadster

    Went with the hard rock preamp kit from dougs tubes and the ruby 6l6gcmstr's. hope this helps, it helped me for sure!!!
  2. D

    Spongy mode is dead on Roadster

    Just thought I would check in and let you know that all is fixed and turns out you were spot on!! New set of tubes turned up, installed them and nothing worked. Had a look and the sovtek in v6 wasn't lit so I took it out and replaced it with an old one of mine and hey presto, the amp is alive...
  3. D

    Spongy mode is dead on Roadster

    Again, it is funny you say that as about an hour ago, I sent him an email regarding that very thing lol. I thought it was weird his kit only mentioned 5. In regards to the pins, one might say I am a bull at a gate with these things and unfortunately it is a case of lesson learned the hard way...
  4. D

    Spongy mode is dead on Roadster

    Well, I got all up in the guts of the amp and pulled out a couple of preamp tubes and sure enough there were a couple of eh's in there from russia I think (slovak?) There were also a couple of the original Mesa's in there. When I went to do a bit of swapping around I accidentally bent a couple...
  5. D

    Spongy mode is dead on Roadster

    Could not agree more! Thank you very much for the advice, it is funny you should mention the hard bypass switch, I have only just found out what it does a couple of days ago. I have it set now to hard bypass and unfortunately it has made no difference. When I get home this afternoon I will...
  6. D

    Spongy mode is dead on Roadster

    What do you mean you are not sure you would diagnose the amp or circumstances? You aren't going to be held accountable. Any help or ideas/knowledge would be appreciated. I know it isn't ideal to have the setup the way it is. but the transformer just brings the voltage from the 240v in Aus to the...
  7. D

    Spongy mode is dead on Roadster

    Hi guys, I am pretty much a noob when it comes to tube amps. I have a Roadster 2x12 combo and normally played it on Bold mode but got a bit adventurous with the amp the other day and discovered that 'spongy' mode is dead for lack of a better word. I get sound out of it but all channels sound...