Wish I bought that DC5 from Craigslist for $500 in mint condition. Hesitated, 45 minute drive. One day later, it was, obviously, GONE. Maybe sold for even less,.,,, Damn it.
Sounds like a great amp -- I just bought one recently for $800 shipped and it was in good condition, so $900 might be a bit high. But in all honesty, I believe as these DC line amps are rediscovered, so to speak, in the future, their value will go up. I've seen it with my Ibanez Artist guitars...
Long lurker, and just registered. I'm a happy owner of the 'Holy Trio' of DCs: DC-3, DC-5, and DC-10 combo. Could anyone enlighten me as to how many DC10 combos were produced by Mesa? I find DC-5 is quite easy to find locally for sale, but that is not the case with DC3 or DC10 combos...