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  1. getwidth

    To use or to not to use the Triaxis FX loop?

    I seen some information on this board about it. Namely that the Triaxis's FX loop is in between the 4th and 5th tube along with the dynamic range? I realize, all depends on what one wants and there is no "correct" answer but what about a rule of thumb? I am about to change up my rig with...
  2. getwidth

    Missing screws.....

    Ha. I will keep that in mind if the ones I ordered are short. I am glad you had a good experience, I know I did. Good deal! I think my stuff is arriving tomorrow.
  3. getwidth

    New 2 90 user pre amp question

    This comes from the manual its self! :)
  4. getwidth

    Missing screws.....

    I thought about the ground control pro, but I wanted to buy 1 pedal and be done with it. If its good enough for Vai and Petrucci, its good enough for me. I plan on putting together a series of videos about my gear and my journey, it took me a long time to get to where I am with this setup, and...
  5. getwidth

    New 2 90 user pre amp question

    I can't think of what you mean by "OP". I am sure i'm sounding stupid, but what is OP?
  6. getwidth

    Missing screws.....

    I don't have any clips, yet anyway. I haven't had this gear for very long, although it is going on a little bit of time now. My hold up was getting a MIDI controller that was worth something. I finally got the MarkL one and I love it. Now that I have that out of the way and I am getting it...
  7. getwidth

    Missing screws.....

    I already ordered the extra screws. They were .30 a piece so if you are just going to call in and make your own order no big deal I'll just keep them. I was just going to mail them to you and not worry about the money. The part number for the 2:90 front screws is 303140. If you want PM me an...
  8. getwidth

    New 2 90 user pre amp question

    I didn't know he did that. I will have to try that, although I do not think my G Major can accomplish it. What processor/gizmo will delay an entire signal by ms?
  9. getwidth

    Missing screws.....

    I am on the phone with Mesa and I am ordering screws and a couple of other things for my self. I'll by some extra screws and ship them to you. (for the 2:90) The quad has no screws that I can see at least on the front.
  10. getwidth

    New 2 90 user pre amp question

    Guitar --> HD500 --> 2:90 --> Cab. I think he is reference slightly (as so the 2:90 manual says as well) that if you use a mono setup, you will be using one channel of the 2:90. The best way to treat the other channel is to not have anything hooked to it, turn the level all the way down, and...
  11. getwidth

    Tri-Axis Record Out & Tuner/Muting A Rackkmount Tuner

    I don't have a great answer for you but what about these couple of ideas.... - Use MIDI to activate the FX loop on the Triaxis to mute it, or change to a patch with it turned all the way down. - Use a stompbox tuner. Either right after the guitar (this would be used instead of the rack tuner I...
  12. getwidth

    TriAxis/ 290

    I think one of the other things is that if someone wants Mark type of sounds, that is at least the way the Mark V is (simulclass), then the 2:90 is the way to go.
  13. getwidth

    Missing screws.....

    I need a screw or two myself. I went ahead and called them, I have the item number on my voice mail. I can post later. I also and ordered a power switch and the power lamp for it. It was a pleasant experience for sure. We played a little phone tag, I don't know how much they are or I would...
  14. getwidth

    Triaxis settings spreadsheet to share

    I am not sure if anyone liked that spreadsheet. I did go through and redo most of it. Here is version 2 Let me know if anyone likes it. The purpose of it is to be able to keep track of a FX unit and the Triaxis settings...
  15. getwidth

    WTB MIDI Controller MarkL, RJM, Liquid Foot, CAE RST24

    I am looking to get one of these, but I would rather not pay tons of money for it. MarkL FX-25 RJM MasterMind GT CAE RST-24 Liquid Foot Controller LF+ Pro or maybe a lesser one. Please let me know if you want to get rid of yours :)
  16. getwidth

    Triaxis settings spreadsheet to share

    I made a spreadsheet for myself and thought tha I woul share it. I have a Triaxis and a G Major and I wanted something to track it all. I made a spreadsheet with dynamic content to manage it all. To be able to print my preset and program list, etc. You can edit it at will for your FX unit...