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The Boogie Board

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  1. F

    What's in the bottom of my Mark V?

    I'm shooting for dumbest newbie post of 2013. Here goes. I have a new Mark V Combo. Removing the foot switch assembly from the inside of the amp (without forcing/stressing other components) was a little difficult but I managed to get it out without breaking anything. Hooray. There's...
  2. F

    New Mark V relay crackling at power-on?

    Definitely seems to be the cable (or foot switch). As a test I powered up the amp with the foot switch unplugged, no clicking. Reseated the connectors, plugged it back in, "less" clicking than before. Will go from there. Thanks guys.
  3. F

    New Mark V relay crackling at power-on?

    Recently became the proud owner of a brand-spanking new Mark V combo. When I turn on the power, but while still on standby, I hear a crackling sound coming from the amp. It is coming from somewhere near the top-left of the amp (not thru the speaker) & sounds to me like a relay switch rapidly...