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  1. T

    Mark V !

    What JFET mean?
  2. T

    John Petrucci talks and demos the Mark V (settings)

    Why is set solo volume on his had to max?
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    Mark V what to do?

    Some recommendation for UPS, which to buy?
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    Mark V what to do?

    I´m using amp only at home. My recto cab is 2 years old. I was tested by another recto 2x12 cab and my cab in period of two weeks. The only difference was that the other cab had more middles.
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    Mark V what to do?

    Thanks for your help. :)
  6. T

    Mark V what to do?

    I was changed all new mesa Tubes v1= spax, v2...v7=12ax7 2xpair of str 440 green code 1x5u4gb The switch is set correct to 6l6.
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    Mark V what to do?

    Yes sometimes I feel like that. Power tubes worn out? But I was replace last week a new fresh power and preamp tubes. It is possible that my amp eats tubes? It has work 4 days after replacing tube very good and than again variation on sound.
  8. T

    Mark V what to do?

    I`m using mesa 2x12 rectifier cab my settings ch 3: full power,90w,bright,pentode gain 13:00 master 10:30 presence 12:00 treble 13:00 midle 10:30 bass 10:00 This amp make me a little crazy of his sound. When I playing I feel the difference in a one hour of play on...
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    Mark V what to do?

    I was also try with some jj and eh preamps tubes, than with sed c el34 and jj6l6 power tubes and i was have a same symptoms. Sometimes I have sound very mudy and dirty. If you have active pickup than you know how the guitar sound before 9V battery die and sometimes I feel that my amp sounding...
  10. T

    Mark V what to do?

    I was also try with some jj and eh preamps tubes, than with sed c el34 and jj6l6 power tubes and i was have a same symptoms. Sometimes I have sound very mudy and dirty. If you have active pickup than you know how the guitar sound before 9V battery die and sometimes I feel that my amp sounding...
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    6L6 or El34??

  12. T

    Mark V what to do?

    I was also try with some jj and eh preamps tubes, than with sed c el34 and jj6l6 power tubes and i was have a same symptoms. Sometimes I have sound very mudy and dirty. If you have active pickup than you know how the guitar sound before 9V battery die and sometimes I feel that my amp sounding...
  13. T

    Mark V what to do?

    I was also try with some jj and eh preamps tubes, than with sed c el34 and jj6l6 power tubes and i was have a same symptoms. Sometimes I have sound very mudy and dirty. If you have active pickup than you know how the guitar sound before 9V battery die and sometimes I feel that my amp sounding...
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    Mark V what to do?

    I use APC Line-R 1200VA AVR, but I have not noticed the change. I was changed all new mesa Tubes v1= spax, v2...v7=12ax7 2xpair of str 440 green code 1x5u4gb
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    Mark V what to do?

    I have looking for furman 1400 ar voltage regulator/power conditioner, but the price is 1200€ for 230V(Europe). Anybody know for same equipment for less price that make out the same job as a furman?
  16. T

    Mark V what to do?

    I`m running only a guitar direct to amp. I was played with planet waves chord and georgeL´s. FX level is on 12. tomorrow I will set on 1 or 2 to see.
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    Mark V what to do?

    I have Mesa Boogie Mark V amp and I was noticed that my sound several changed in a day when I play with same settings. Sometimes I get less attack,mudy, not defined sound less highs, less tightnes. Now I´m running true APC Line-R 1200VA AVR . But I think that is not good because I still get...
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    "Mark Vb" wishlist

    Chanel cloning!! This would be great. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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    DC-3 OCD pop on lead chanel?

    When I boost DC3 on lead chanel I hear a big pop when I step on OCD switch. I have also try with BB preamp is the same. What could be wrong? Bad Tubes?
  20. T

    JJ 6l6 GC and mark V
