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The Boogie Board

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  1. T

    Cream MKIII Combo acquisition

    Red stripe. $699 at Guitar Center! In Manhattan no less. Power tubes look to be brand new. Played a strat through it for 10 minutes just to test it out at the store and fell in love with Mesa/Boogie goodness all over again.
  2. T

    WTB: Mark III combo, pref. Blue Stripe simul w. EQ

    Hi All Trying to stereoize my setup with another mkiii I'm in Brooklyn, NY Thx Tim
  3. T

    Mark III Died... Tube short?

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. Been a Mark III enjoyer since the mid 90s... My Mark III Blue Stripe Combo has been acting funny... Seemed to lose volume... Crackles, etc. Finally at practice a power tube was glowing red hot, made a dramatic flash and then the fuse blew. My first guess is to...