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The Boogie Board

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  1. C

    WTB: 2:95,3:95,400,500 pwr amps

    Hey! i'm looking for an awesome power amp to push my studio pre. I really would like a 2:95 or 3:95 but would totally take somones 400 or 500! just let me know what you got and what you want to do! pm me!
  2. C

    Studio Pre problems and tube questions

    Well interesting enough when i opened up my studio pre (if they go from left to right on the ciruitboard like i think they do) my V1 and V3 tubes are JJ's and V2 and V4 are the mesa stock, could just be by chance but it made me want to inquire about said myth before i put all one type in. If...
  3. C

    Studio Pre problems and tube questions

    Hello, new to the board as i have just recently purchased a Studio Pre, an amp i've wanted to have for a very long time. I got her a little beat up and i want to spend a little time and effort on her to get her all gussied up. First situation i have is the volume, its cutting on me, about 50% or...