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  1. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    I tried switching channels with settings as you reccomended but I didn't hear any difference. does this rule out a particular problem?
  2. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    thanks for the informative post. I have heard of what are saying about the lead channel, and tried it some, and although I didn't notice a difference I will check again to make sure. basically, you're saying that the mod shouldn't affect tone though?
  3. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    wow the clip was very helpful. I guess a sound clip is worth a thousand words! Hmmm, well, maybe it has come to the point where I should take it in because it does seem kinda crazy how much distortion I'm getting. And yes, I did try the main outs yesterday and got the same result. Also note...
  4. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    O.K, I tried lowering the Bass and Mid to little and nothing, but this didn't do too much as far as cleaning up the sound. I went ahead and recorded a clip of the guitar as an example: The first sound is with the Volume on 5 and Master on 10 and the...
  5. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    I actually did download the manual and go through it a few times, but I must've not dug deep enough. I will try to back those off and see if it helps clean things up. That's a good point of the EQ being post distortion so I'll keep that in mind dialing in sounds for recording. I might even...
  6. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    hmmm, I can see your point, however I've heard great tones from a member on here that were direct and this is the sole reason I bought it. It seems like it should at least be clean, but maybe the parker's just too hot at full blast. thanks for the help.
  7. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    cool, yeah with vol on 7 my pre would be distorting like crazy! Here's my settings to get a somewhat clean sound with my parker: In Rhythm mode: vol 2, master 10, Treb 7, Bass 7, Mid 5, Reverb 0, Drive 6, Master 3 No EQ, Rhy Bright on, Lead Fat on Lead Bright on, Output 10 I have to crank...
  8. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    I emailed you guys the PDFs but got a bounce back warning like you didn't get it so let me know. I have tried lowering the lead channel gain because I saw someone say the two channels were crossing over somehow, but this didn't make a difference. I also heard I could try some lower gain tubes...
  9. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    the fact that some people can get clean sounds with active pickups makes me think there's something wrong with mine. If I put the volume on 2 I get a decently clean sound. I'm not really familiar with Satch Boogie dude. sorry.
  10. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    yeah, the pre really is a great little box. I believe I finally have a direct sound that will actually work in a mix. I have a tele with single coils that sounds great with the pre (nice and clean), but I thought it might be worth looking into this mod since I use the parker more often.
  11. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    ytse_jam, hi how are you? yes, I can send the schematic. it's in 2 pdf's. what email?
  12. P

    Studio Pre clean mod

    Has anyone done this mod or heard of it? My Parker Fly just seems too hot for the pre and unless I seriously roll back my guitar volume I get a lot of distortion (even at gain of 2). When I roll back the guitar volume that much, I lose some tone and a lot of output. From Michael Taylor at...
  13. P

    Studio Pre picking up AM radio, distorting

    man do I feel stupid! I pulled the pre out to and started unplugging things, knocking on it, etc. trying to narrow it down some. then I notice this switch on the back that I didn't really notice before. it was a ground lift that was set to 'lifted' position. I flicked it and
  14. P

    Studio Pre picking up AM radio, distorting

    killer advice man! sounds like an excellent place to start. I'll do those things and let you know what happens. thanks!
  15. P

    Studio Pre picking up AM radio, distorting

    On the fading in... I haven't noticed mine doing this, but I'll need to go back and check because I haven't been really switching back and forth quickly. I would say that for me I'm getting even more than grit to just straight distortion at 4 and 5.
  16. P

    Studio Pre picking up AM radio, distorting

    seems that a lot of people have trouble with cables picking up radio...I switched out several cables, as well as plugging headphones in but it doesn't seem to be cables. I was thinking my DC-5 didn't do this, but now that I think about it I believe it did as well. hmmm....
  17. P

    Studio Pre picking up AM radio, distorting

    Having a couple of odd things with a newly aquired studio pre: 1) Picking up AM radio station. Is there a quick fix for this one? 2) Rhythm channel distorts with Volume above 2, even with masters low. The manual says 4 to 5 should be a clean sound. I play a Parker with active pickups and...
  18. P

    Studio pre/formula direct to tape?

    got the pre last friday and got a little time to fire it up and play around. it sounds awesome! the true test will be using it to cut some tracks on some songs and seeing how it works in the mix. I can tell there are a lot of sounds to be had with it.
  19. P

    Studio pre/formula direct to tape?

    I finally found someone to buy my dc-5 and1x12, and am actually trading for a studio pre plus difference. it's on its way, so thanks to ytse_jam for posting those sounds, and helping me make an informed decision! much appreciated. thanks.
  20. P

    Studio pre/formula direct to tape?

    cool. yeah, it's definitely more of an edgy sound, which could be really cool depending on what tone you needed. that little pre really rocks. :D thanks for the help too!