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  1. R

    DC-5 Front Light went out?

    Thank you so much! I already ordered a replacement from Mesa so that will be here in a day or two.. but thanks for the link.
  2. R

    DC-5 Front Light went out?

    Yea I figured that.. Does the light just pull out of the front? Or does it unscrew? The bulb broke when I was trying to get it out and I'm not sure what to do now..
  3. R

    DC-5 Front Light went out?

    The front blue jewel light on my DC-5 wont turn on! The rest of the amp turns on but the light won't light up. How do I fix the light?
  4. R

    Time for new tubes in my DC-5. Need some help

    I use a lot of drop tunings so that leads a lot of bass haha. But I might go for the JJ's and a Mullard then.
  5. R

    Time for new tubes in my DC-5. Need some help

    So as the title states I believe its time to put some new tubes in my DC-5. I currently have 2 Mesa Boogie branded Svetlana 6l6 GC STR 440 power tubes and all Mesa Boogie STR SPAZ7-A preamp tubes with the exception of a tung-sol 12AX7 in V1. Im only looking into power tubes right now because I...
  6. R

    Can you rackmount a DC-5

    So i've been looking into getting a rack lately but I was wondering if I can buy a rackmount kit for my DC-5 or if I need to custom build a rack to hold the head with the head shell. So can I rackmount it? If so can I use a MKIV rackmount kit?
  7. R

    DC-5 EQ before or after the gain?

    I own a DC-5 and yea its in the middle of a Recto and MK. Its like a saturated tight tone.. I don't know really how to explain it.
  8. R

    Weird Volume Drop...

    I checked all my cables. So far everything has been normal. I checked the tubes after the amp came in and made sure they were all seated and everything. I'll just wait until it happens again and see if I can figure anything else out. Otherwise im loving the amp!
  9. R

    Weird Volume Drop...

    Hey guys, I was playing my DC-5 today and only had the output on around 2 playing the lead channel when all of a sudden the volume dropped. I switched over to the rhythm channel and the volume was fine there. When I switched back to the lead channel it was still low. I turned the standby switch...
  10. R

    WTB: DC-5 Head

    Hey guys im interested in a Mesa Boogie DC-5 head. Looking to spend around $500ish but willing to negotiate. If your looking to sell let me know! I live in Colorado Springs by the way.
  11. R

    DC-5 vs .50 Caliber +

    Ok so the best way would to go from the two 4 ohm jacks from the amp into the two 8 ohm stereo jacks into the cab. Or I could go from the 8 ohm jack from the amp to the 16 ohm jack of the cab?
  12. R

    DC-5 vs .50 Caliber +

    Ok thank you! Also I have another question. My cab has a 4 ohm mono input and a 16 ohm mono input and you can also put it in stereo and that is two 8 ohm inputs. Will this cab work for the DC-5? I don't know what ohm's it is
  13. R

    DC-5 vs .50 Caliber +

    I would buy the amp but i'm still saving up for it ha. Should have the money here soon though. Do you have any clips of it?
  14. R

    DC-5 vs .50 Caliber +

    Thanks for the replies guys! Does anyone have any clips of the DC-5 doing some hard rock type stuff? Preferably drop tuned? I haven't really found any good clips of it doing any hard rock
  15. R

    DC-5 vs .50 Caliber +

    Hey guys. Im in the hunt for a new amp and i'm really interested in the DC-5 and the .50 Caliber +. I'm going for a Mark IV sound. Really dark and tight and i've heard both sound like that but which one is better suited for that? I play hard rock and some metal. Some bands are Chevelle...