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The Boogie Board

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  1. R

    Why the insane wattage?

    Why are all these companies producing such high wattage amps (including Marshall, MESA, Bogner, etc...) Who needs 50/100/150 watts of tube...I just don't get it. It makes our work as guitarists harder to achieve better tone. Why don't they make a switch that allows us to go from...
  2. R

    Triple Rectifier, Road King or something else?

    I just read it and it seems awesome. The only thing I am worried about is how "new" it is and can't be had for used prices. I can pick up a Triple Rectifier for about $1100. The roadster head retails new for $1899......
  3. R

    Triple Rectifier, Road King or something else?

    I need something with at least 3 channels to get Clean, Crunch, and Searing Lead. It seems the Road King, and the Triple rectifier both do this. I want this amp for live/recordings gigs and I see that the dual rectifier roadster may also do this...researching it now.. Thanks.
  4. R

    Triple Rectifier, Road King or something else?

    I currently have a Marshall JCM 800 2205 50 watt head but realize that this amp is not for me as it has good cleans, great crunch, but can't do over the top soloing well at all so I realize I need to go to mesa. I played the triple rectifier (not for too long though) and liked it. Would it be...
  5. R

    Need advisement

    Hey everyone. I am new to the Mesa forum but not new to Mesa gear. Here is my current setup. Digitech 2120 Mesa Boogie 50/50 Mesa Recto 4x12 slanted cabinet. I am really considering upgrading my digitech 2120 to a Triaxis. The digitech 2120 does have 2 tubes and I do use the tube distortion...