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The Boogie Board

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  1. D

    New Boogie owner + settings help

    Hey again guys, Im still yet to really sit down with the amp to find good tones. I would like to know however whether to be using diode or tube tracking for a good lead tone as i've heard varying opinions. Also bold or spongy. I've also just found my dads old Boss SD-1. Are these good for a lead...
  2. D

    New Boogie owner + settings help

    Yeah I thought so. All i'm really shooting for is a nice lead tone now. Not going to try and emulate others tones, just find my own and stick with them. I chose this amp as I love the recto sound, I could have chosen a 5150 or whatever else but I didn't. I'll mess around with it properly this...
  3. D

    New Boogie owner + settings help

    Thank you both for the advice. To be honest i've only spent half an hour or so just messing about with it and can't wait to take some time dialling in my own tones. Gonna get myself an od808 or ts9 soon as i've heard these are the best pedals for a clean boost to channels 2 and 3 although i'm...
  4. D

    New Boogie owner + settings help

    Hey all and merry christmas. Got a big surprise this morning in the form of a new dual rectifier and rectifier 2x12 cab. The tones I have got out of it so far are very pleasing but because I am coming from a solid state line 6 spider I have limited knowledge of how to EQ the tones I am after...