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  1. J

    A great experience

    That's what happened to me. My friend was covering a gig for me...and he brought his new V. I was convinced before the first song was over. I owned one 2 months regrets!
  2. J

    FX Loop Level on the back of Mark V's and Dual Recto's. 3 @ 9ish and balance the rest. FX at noon.
  3. J


    Wow! That does explain why my DTR-2000 cooked. was a real nice tuner. Again, no problem with the Pitchblack.
  4. J


    +1 Korg Pitchblack. Used in "Tuner Out" for 8 months. No problems so far.
  5. J

    Mark V Questions

    Regarding midi switching, I've been very happy with my RJM mini amp gizmo with the RJM Mark V cable. It switches very fast and controls all 8 functions, as opposed to the VL Control Switcher which only does 4.
  6. J

    Considering a Mark V

    Almost a year and I'm still discovering new tones...very versatile!
  7. J

    No Ch 3 Light

    The LED in Ch3 burned out on mine and I got it replaced under warranty. No problems now.
  8. J

    Help me hook up my rig!

    I don't see any issues with your chain. Your set-up should work fine.
  9. J

    Recommend Me A Cab For My Mark V!

    Mesa compact wide-body 1x12 ported cab (C-90) on bottom and compact wide-body 1x12 open back (V-30) on top covers the bases for me. Tight bottom end and open "airy" ...sounds. my mini-stack sounds incredible from about 20' away. I can also fit my entire rig into my Mazda 3 and not kill my back.
  10. J

    Mark V, Mini-Amp Gizmo, VL GCP Set-up Questions

    I currently control my Mark V with the Mini-Amp Gizmo (MAG) set to "GCX" mode. The GCP is set for 4 preset/8 access. I use GCP switches 5-8 to control channel switching and solo on the V. When I switch from Ch1 to Ch2 (switch 5 to 6) the light for 5 stays lit. There are also times that I have to...
  11. J

    MKV + Mini Amp Gizmo/Mastermind

    I use the RJM MAG and MRK V cable, controlled by a Voodoo Lab Ground Control. It works great. The RJM set-up is definitely the way t go.
  12. J

    What fuzz?

    I've had my Mark V for about 4 months and am selling my "dirt" pedals, with the exception of my Blackout Effectors Musket (v2). This beast is a Big Muff on steroids (review I can't seem to reproduce the saturated violin-like sounds from the V that I get with...
  13. J

    MIDI Switching Control for Mark V

    Thank you for the amp gizmo and cable seem the way to go. Cheers!
  14. J

    MIDI Switching Control for Mark V

    I'm about to pull the trigger on a Mark V head. I would like to use MIDI to switch channels, solo and EQ. Which is better (no popping noise): Voodoo Lab Control Switcher or RJM Mini Amp Gizmo? I currently have a Voodoo Lab Commander controlling 2 pedal switchers. The commander will control the...