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The Boogie Board

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  1. C

    6.3mm Chassis Jacks, 2nd attempt

    I'll try again..... I live in England and none of the Mesa Boogie dealers can answer me a simple question.. I've even emailed the Mesa Dealer in America but got no reply. I have a Mark V Combo and a Wideboy Cabinet (amazing sounds btw). They were moved apart with the cable to the cabinet still...
  2. C

    Replacement 6.3mm Mono Jack Chassis Socket

    Hi again I've just broken 2 jack sockets, one on the back of my Mark V Combo and one on my Wideboy. Someone picked up my Combo to move it with the cab still plugged in (aarrggh!!) Is it just a normal 6.3mm Mono Jack Chassis Socket that I need to replace them? Also still getting the occasional...
  3. C

    Mark V Combo Extention Cabs

    That looks the part. Is it the Wide Body Thiele or the Compact?
  4. C

    Mark V Combo Extention Cabs

    Hi Folks I couldn't get 'the sound' from my Dual Rec Roadster 212 Combo, so I took the plunge and bought the Mark V combo. Wow is all I can say, seriously different tones, I've found 'the sound' and I love the Mark V. (I digress) I want an extention cab and would like some recommendations...
  5. C

    What album are you listening to?

    Jeff Loomis - Zero Order Phase - 1st Solo album (I don't like Nevermore) The guy is just class, shredding with style. Schecter guitars Also just downloaded some Angel Vivaldi for my itunes. Ibanez guitars
  6. C

    New Guy - Feedback issues

    Hi I had an Express 5:50 for a few years and it was brilliant but not loud enough on clean when playing with the band. I recently purchased a Dual Rectifier Roadster 212 combo and yes it's loud, very loud. But when I try for that smooth, Petrucci solo sound I get a lot of feedback and/or loud...