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  1. P

    6V6s in a Mark III?

    I like my Mark IV with 6V6s. I also have a Mark III which I actually like better than the IV with 6L6s and EL-34s so I thought I'd try 6V6s in the mark IV for a different flavor. It's not a bedroom amp in this configuration, it's still plenty loud to gig with. It doesn't have the headroom of the...
  2. P

    6V6s in a Mark III?

    We all know that Mark IVs allow for this switch (only in Tweed or SimulClass mode - also, the 4 ohm speaker tap sounds better with this configuration) but can a SimulClass MarK III also take this tube swap? I'm tempted to try it and like what it does for my Mark IV but I'm curious what it would...
  3. P

    Mark IV loud popping noise when powering down ...

    Interesting - uhh.. well the popping fart (or farting pop if you prefer) does not happen when powering up, only powering down. It is annoying but if no harm is being done just I just grin and bear it? I've taken it apart and visually inspected and cleaned sockets, etc and it still makes the loud...
  4. P

    Mark IV loud popping noise when powering down ...

    First time poster and new member here, so I apologize for asking what may be a previously addressed issue, but my Mark IV makes a very loud popping noise (loudness is dependant on how loud the amp is set as well) when powering down. It seems perfectly normal in all other respects and I've been...