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  1. P pre -amp

    I sure did........maybe i had the thing hooked up wrong before and shorted out them pots....its highly irregular for so many to go at once.
  2. P pre -amp

    I never switched them around........i cleaned them before, but i dont know how that could effect them. When i tested them last night, i found a number of 250's reading 800.........or so......weird.......1 Meg reading almost 1.5. that would make differences,
  3. P pre -amp finding out alot of my pots have extra large values......1 Meg when it should be 250.......this is what probably turning my eq and drive off. why 3-4 pots are bad, god know...but they are.
  4. P pre -amp

    More replies? come on guys....someone on here has the know how to help me. Im desperate! please?
  5. P pre -amp

    Also....can anyone definately tell me if both LDR2 and LDR 3 are VTL5C1 's?
  6. P pre -amp

    Hello all....! Im hoping someone could show me some very detailed pictures of the wiring around all the knobs......ive been working on this amp forever, and i cant seem to get it right. thank you