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  1. 8

    Triaxis Outputs

    Thanks for the input. Not exactly concensus, but thats OK. I'll probably try the loop and serial approach, with and without both outputs, and see what happens. Out of curiousity, I called Mesa support and they said I could just use either A or B and turn the pot off for the one not being used...
  2. 8

    Triaxis Outputs

    Just got my TA and have a question on the outputs. I plan to go serial from the TA into a G Major, so only need a mono into the G Major. All of the diagrams in the TA manual show both A and B outputs being used in this type of setup. Is there any reason I can't just use the A output into the...
  3. 8

    Carvin TS100

    Is anyone using the Carvin TS-100 for the Triaxis? If so, how do you like it? I'm also considering the Mesa 20/20...same question, anyone using this combo? Thanks