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  1. J

    50 Cal+ reverb upgrade

    Can anyone recommend a quality reverb pan for a 50 cal+? The tiny thing inside the amp sounds like crap. Thanks.
  2. J

    50 Caliber + noise

    So I swapped some more tubes around with no improvement. Then I got some contact cleaner and cleaned all of the jacks, pots, etc. and lo and behold she is as quiet as can be! I guess maybe I should have started with that at the beginning. It's a wonder what a little routine maintenance can do...
  3. J

    50 Caliber + noise

    Thanks for the help, I think I'll try swapping some tubes around and see what happens.
  4. J

    50 Caliber + noise

    There is definitely some noise from the pickups (the level of the noise changes relative to the location of the guitar). But there is also a background noise(I would describe it as a hiss) that increases as the gain, master and lead master are turned up. My other amp is a Hot Rod Deville, it is...
  5. J

    50 Caliber + noise

    Thanks for the responses guys. The only thing that made a difference was shorting the guitar cable. It didn't completely kill the noise, but brought it down to a level that seems normal. What next? I've heard that these amps are noisy by nature, any other suggestions? Thanks for the help, I...
  6. J

    50 Caliber + noise

    Yup no joke, 8 bucks! I agree that even if i take it to a tech I still got a great deal, but I like servicing my gear or at least attempting to. Lol.
  7. J

    50 Caliber + noise

    Hey all, I picked up a 50 Caliber+ chassis at a yard sale for $8. I put tubes in it, hooked up a speaker and it sounds great, however it is very noisy when a guitar is plugged into the input. When nothing is plugged in, there is very little noise. I've swapped tubes, checked for loose...