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  1. F

    Question on Mark IV tone controls

    I would like to know too. I get the same behaviour. greetings
  2. F

    channel leakage MarkIV

    Ok thanks. I'll visit a tech
  3. F

    channel leakage MarkIV

    Thx for answering. I see that you have a Mark IV. When on RHY1 and RHY1 toneknobs on zero is your Mark IV dead silent (even when your lead gain and lead toneknobs are dialed in)? I'm trying to investigate if my Mark IV is behaving faulty. The bleeding from the Leadchannel gain is not so much and...
  4. F

    channel leakage MarkIV

    Thx for your reaction. Well, like I said: When on RHY1 with gain on 6 en all toneknobs (treble, bass, mid) from that channel on zero there is some leakage from the lead channel when the Leadgain, lead mid, lead treble and leadbass are turned. I can hear some sound (clean not distorted) coming...
  5. F

    channel leakage MarkIV

    Hi to you all from Holland, Could someone please try this: -Mode Clean channel -On the clean channel gain on 6 and all toneknobs to zero -On the Lead channel turn the gain to 8 and turn toneknobs: now i can hear some bleeding (not distorted but clean). When the gain on the clean channel is on...