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  1. K

    Replaceing the me decide

    Any way of using them at same time and switching Channels together? Channels 1's linked .... Hit one switch, both amps go to channel 2 together etc.
  2. K

    Replaceing the me decide

    I have considered Marshalls, but for some reason they just never really got me. Not that i dont like other guys tone when they play the right one..... but they just have been for me. also this is sort of back amp while i get my Mesa fixed. We were playing saturday night and it started switching...
  3. K

    Replaceing the me decide

    Well... not exactly replacing, because i wont be selling it, but I want something to suplement the rectifier. I am considering all the high gain monsters that i can think of. VH4, Engl Powerball, Rockerverb, Mark IV..... the only real problem is test driving all of these to make my decision...