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  1. jhreid

    DIY Consolidated Mark III Pedal Unit

    If you want to add other status LEDs then power is needed.
  2. jhreid

    DIY Consolidated Mark III Pedal Unit

    Use a switch jack for the cable connection - just like a regular effects pedal does. Use wall wart power. Add an on/off switch. Remove the battery when not in use.
  3. jhreid

    mark 3 serial numbers

    My purple stripe is 16750.
  4. jhreid

    DIY Consolidated Mark III Pedal Unit

    With these 3PDT switches you could use bi-colour LEDs and use the unused pole on the switch to light the other half.
  5. jhreid

    Channel switch question - Mark III

    UPDATE: Just got the amp back from my tech. He replaced all the power supply caps and when he put it back together no more lead channel! He chop-sticked about inside and found a tiny crack in the circuit board - just before the power supply to the switching and the GEQ. He bridged this and...
  6. jhreid

    Screen Grid Resistor values on early Mark amps

    You can do your own "tolerancing" if you are concerned. Buy a bunch of them and measure them with an ohm-meter (multi-meter). Any that are within 5% of 470ohm (446.5 - 493.5) are 5% resistors. The 5% or 10% applies to the batch - all it tells you is that a big bag of those resistors will measure...
  7. jhreid

    Mark III amp cover

    I'm on my second Mark III and both of mine have had their original covers.
  8. jhreid

    Channel switch question - Mark III

    Thanks for the response. Haven't noticed bleed yet. Will get my tech to look into replacing LDRs soon. They are getting expensive!
  9. jhreid

    Channel switch question - Mark III

    Apologies if this has been dealt with before. Quick question on channel switching on a Mark III purple stripe - when I pull on the lead knob should I expect the channel to switch instantaneously or should I expect the lead sound to fade in over a short period of time?