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  1. N

    Tremoverb switching issues - LDR Source needed, Truth table?

    Wow- this thing has got 25 of them! Do you recall what Mesa is asking for them? The J175's have all been replaced, but I am suspicious of them... I'm getting ~ 15 volts on the center of two of them, depending on red/orange channel selection, but the third only gets to ~13. In addition to...
  2. N

    Tremoverb switching issues - LDR Source needed, Truth table?

    Greetings, I'm looking at a friend's '94 Tremoverb which had no sound due to bad J175 transistors in the perma-mute circuit. I now have volume (but still have some broken attack) I am now looking into the channel switching LED's: Red is on in both modes, but is dim on the orange channel. Orange...