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  1. M

    Mk3 Footswitch

    what I'm saying is- I'm wanting to switch the Lead Channel and R2 :D If I connect two separate simple switches they work just fine except if you accidentally allow the cases to touch- then the function is lost. Thanks for clearing up why the logic? is reversed cheers MK
  2. M

    Mk3 Footswitch

    Hi I just made up a footswitch (dual) for my Mk 3 to control Lead and R2 functions. So far I've found that the circuitry needs a discrete ground for each jack ie you can't use a standard stereo cable and share the ground. Secondly- the factory FS I have lights up for Rhythm and not lit for Lead-...
  3. M

    Mk 3 Reverb

    No-using the long decay 9 series. It did develop an oscillation problem until I remounted it and put a spacer between it and the fan body. Now it's OK. Not as good as a Super Reverb with a long decay tank- which is surreal...! It's more of a halo effect than a splashy surf sound. I may go back...
  4. M

    Reverb Tank conversion

    Hi I need to replace my Mk 3 tank which is a 9AB2A1B but I can only get(Have) a 9AB3C1b ie the only real difference apart from decay time is the input is insulated on my new replacement tank. I figured it was simply a matter of connecting the two RCA grounds, but that hasn't worked. Any advice...
  5. M

    Mk 3 Reverb

    many thanks for that. I did the 3.3 k R on the Return jack, and subbed a 9 series Accu and voila....!!! Much verb-which I need-badly. I personally like the 9 series/3sec for surf, tho' agree they are not so 'splashy' and more suited to the (gulp..) pedal steel players...! No- I love those guys-...
  6. M

    Mk 3 Reverb

    Hi Finally picked up my no stripe Mk3 head today. All good but the reverb is apalling-barely noticeable. I checked the tank springs and it all looks OK. Does anyone know the Mk 3 reverb mod details? Search function didn't get a relevant thread- I tried 3 or 4 different strings. Thnx in advance MAK
  7. M

    Mark 3 combo cab

    Very nice work and thanks for the replies. Are you butt joining the cabs- can't see any finger joint or 1/2 blind dovetails- or maybe full blind d/tails??
  8. M

    Mark 3 combo cab

    Thanks for all that. 3/4" seems heavy for just the wicker board?? So 3/4" wicker, then another 3/4" baffle??? I agree (without background....) that a light coloured timber behind the wicker would look less obtrusive. Did you find the wicker difficult to fold around the edges ?? Chrs MAK
  9. M

    Mark 3 combo cab

    OK many thanks - just a couple more............... 1/ Thickness of the wicker covered board? Colour? ie painted black or left natural 2/ Is the wicker clear coated with poly? FWIW- I'm making a combo shell from Brazilian Walnut(it was the darkest and most consistent piece my supplier had, given...
  10. M

    Mark 3 w/ Vintage 30??

    Hi, Has anyone tried a MK3 Simulclass with a V30? I know the V30=approx 60W and the Simul=approx 75W. But if you aren't 'maxing out' the amp-just going for cleans- the V30 should handle it OK?? Thanks in advance MAK
  11. M

    Mk 111 to C+

    There's loads of comparison posts between MK111's and 11C+, but has anyone actually documented the changes to mod a Mk111 to 11C+ or is it compulsory to send it to Mesa? (not possible for me) Chrs MAK
  12. M

    R2 Mod

    many thanks- looks great. Is there a rev mod for the MK 111? Someone mentioned adding a 220k resistor. Again- nothing comes up from the search function Chrs MK
  13. M

    R2 Mod

    Hi can someone kindly point me to the Mk 111 R2 mod details- I can't locate it doing a forum search. Thnx MAK
  14. M

    Mark 3 combo cab

    Many thanks And the baffle is 1/ dadoed in? 2/19mm pine as per sides 3/ the wicker grille is on a separate board or directly on to the baffle and folded around?? That would imply the baffle is screwed to cleats Thanks again for taking the time to answer a fairly mundane question MAK
  15. M

    Mark 3 combo cab

    Hi Can anyone provide specs for a Mark 3 combo cabinet? I've just bought a head and would like to convert to wood grain finish combo. Many thanks MAK
  16. M

    Complete Mark III Schematic

    Hi-I can't get the link to work either. Could someone kindly post the schematic on a more user friendly download site Many thanks MAK