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  1. M

    Rectoverb a fallen off varistor

    Yes it's a varistor. I've shown it a electronic technician and he said it should be a varistor. He also said the same things as you. It is not strictly important. But you know what I'm feeling? There is a little blue component and I don't know where it belongs to...this circumstance makes me...
  2. M

    Rectoverb a fallen off varistor

    This is exactly what I want to do. First I have to know where this component has to be soldered back! @fluff191: Thanx! :D best regards, Marcus
  3. M

    Rectoverb a fallen off varistor

    Hello again, :D The first I have done was to check if there are some broken legs. Nothing to see. Then I phoned the german Mesa distribution Service. Some people have made good experiences with the german mesa boogie distribution, but I did not. They were only afraid if my amp would be an...
  4. M

    Rectoverb a fallen off varistor

    Thank you very much for Youre answer! What do You mean with " zee condition ist kaputt"? :?: The varistor is for switshing from standby to power mode. In power mode the varistor has no function. From the woods(Freiburg) to Berlin it is 1100 km.... Ich think with the help of some fotos I...
  5. M

    Rectoverb a fallen off varistor

    Hello, :D I'm new here and I come from Black Forest in Germany. So first I have to excuse me for my bad english! Sorry!! :wink: I bother to write in an accurate diction and I hope you can understand, what I want to say. :oops: I own a rectoverb combo series 1 and I have a few questions...