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  1. G

    Direct Recording with Mark V

    there we go: I'm about to record the guitars for my bands' album very soon and was planning to do so with my beloved Mark IV. But all of a sudden there was a cool opportunity to get my hands on a Mark V, so i sold the Mark IV and will have the V next week. Since i only played the V in shops from...
  2. G

    FS: Mesa Mark IV Medium Head *SOLD*

    Since i totally fell in love with the Mesa Mark-Series it's quite hard to do this, but i need to sell my Mark IV Head. The reason is: I've been offered a Mark V, so i kinda just update my tone and stay in the family. ;) Well, here's the deal: Mesa Mark IV Medium Head, US-Model (comes with a...
  3. G

    Mark IV issue (FX Loop related?)

    Proble solved guys. It wasn't the Amp at all! For some reason the Insert Loop on the G-System turned itself off globally so on every channel everything that came through was a processed signal with the Gs FX but without any Preamp-Flavor... *lol* Anyway, found it, solved it, everything works...
  4. G

    Mark IV issue (FX Loop related?)

    Thanks Rob, sounds like some more useful hints, very appreciated! I can say that the amp works perfectly as long as i plug straight into the amp. That's how i used it the last two band-rehearsals. I'll probably find some time tomorrow for checking everything out and i guess with your help i'll...
  5. G

    Mark IV issue (FX Loop related?)

    Cool, thanks so far. Cleaning the jacks is a good idea indeed, yeah. Will try that. Plus: I have a complete set of brandnew Preamp-Tubes that i wanted to put it anyway... i'll try both within the next few days and keep you guys up to date. Don't think the G might be the source of trouble here...
  6. G

    The Mark IV thread....!!

    I started a thread yesterday because i have some trouble with my Mark IV. Maybe some of you just check this thread and know some help, it's quite urgent: I'm using a Mark IV (b) and a tc electronic g-system (4-cable-method) for quite a while now and everything worked nicely. Well, until last...
  7. G

    Mark IV issue (FX Loop related?)

    I'm using a Mark IV (b) and a tc electronic g-system (4-cable-method) for quite a while now and everything worked nicely. Well, until last week... all of a sudden my tone became very flat, silent and dead. The gain was almost completely gone in the "Rhy 2"- and "Lead"-Channel. Well, i tried to...
  8. G

    TC G System with a Mark IV...anyone using this setup?

    I use it, i love it! :) But i have a small problem, which i hope to get solve in another thread. But honestly that combo is awesome! Switching channels with the G-System is possible and both units get along together nicely soundwise. I have no pop when switching channels at all by the way
  9. G

    FS/FT: Quad preamp and 50/50 poweramp

    hey dude! Do you still have that sweet two pieces of gear or are they already sold? Maybe a friend of mine would be interested...
  10. G

    Post your rig part 2

    haha, you're everywhere, Joe, huh? :) Nice... yeah, we definitely need to meet and tweak it a bit soon! :)
  11. G

    Post your rig part 2

    Here's mine guys: I bought an Xotic EP Booster recently and added that one to the rig that you see on the pics. And that's about it. Perfectly happy with it! Delivers every sound i need and also looks quite fancy. :)
  12. G

    What album are you listening to?

    Just picked up the new Agalloch-Record. Quite bizarre as always but very moody right away and there's definitely more to come, a typical grower i guess...