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  1. R

    Best/Worst Mesa Dealer

    Thats been a long running problem I've had with them. I always fight that anything thats been on display for all this time SHOULD qualify as "used". Think about it. Buy a used amp from a person who respected the amp and enjoyed it, vs (new at the store) at guitar center thats had a hundred...
  2. R

    Another Roadster weird sound

    Well its just weird, it didn't do this for the first week I had it in this setup. Also the pop sound made when going from 3/4 -> 1/2 is louder than the one made when going from 1/2 -> 3/4, like the amp is switching power settings. Just doesn't seem right. Also, thank you for replying :D
  3. R

    Another Roadster weird sound

    Has no one else had this before?
  4. R

    Another Roadster weird sound

    Hey guys, again this is just my first mesa so I'm learning the ins and outs of their type of amp. Really enjoying it so far. Considering modding it, but that can be in the future. OK I figured a way to make the amp never make a sound when switching into channel 3. Thats all good, its quiet...
  5. R

    Post your rig part 2

    First Mesa :D yay! Now I just have to build a new pedal board :) Right now there's just a TS9 and a Boss NS-2 in front. The 212 has g12k-100s in it. (My favorite speaker :D) Also, that guitar was signed by Allan Holdsworth :)
  6. R

    Rectifier Tube Hum?

    Thank you for all your input Dom :D I was actually considering the Tungsol 12ax7? hmmmm I'm gonna look into your NOS Tung-Sol 5U4GB Might also pick up a Weber Mass Attenuator for bedroom volumes :D
  7. R

    Rectifier Tube Hum?

    Hmmm... I till try that Dom. Thank you for the advice. So how are those NOS tubes? I was just gonna load up the amp with Wing C everything XD
  8. R

    Rectifier Tube Hum?

    Brand new. I opened the box last Friday. :D
  9. R

    Rectifier Tube Hum?

    hmmm Not that I don't trust you. I will take your advice, but make sure by talking to Mesa's tech. But, I still want to say thank you :) So thank you for your input :) Edit: HA! It worked! Yeah just to be on the safe side I called Mesa, they were extremely polite. And they agreed that it...
  10. R

    Rectifier Tube Hum?

    Thank you for the welcome :) I thought it was the transformer, but the transformers are making another hum. You can tell because its a different pitch. Also if you really get close in there, it doesn't seem to be coming from that transformer. *crosses fingers* If it were the transformers I...
  11. R

    Rectifier Tube Hum?

    Hey everyone! This is first post on here. Also about my first mesa! :) I owned a 50:50 but this is my first full mesa amp. It’s a Roadster, and so far I really enjoy it. The only issue I have is this high pitch hum. First, I assumed it was the transformers, and just accepted it. On closer...