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  1. A

    triaxis switching problem

    hi, I have a huge problem with my triaxis. when I start playing all seems normal, bur after a while the triaxis starts automatically switching thru channels. somestimes slow (30s pause) sometimes just switches thru the programs upwards like a counter. I disconected already all midi euipment...
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    using triaxis to switch a stompbox

    good idea,where do I get them ? Frank
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    using triaxis to switch a stompbox

    hi, seems there was a misunderstanding. I don´t wanna change anything about the 9V power of the tubescreamer clone.My plan is just to take off the footswitch and -to replace it by the switching contacts of a relais. this means stompbox and triaxis are in principle completly galvanic...
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    using triaxis to switch a stompbox

    hi, as I wrote I will build up the circuit board anyway it wouldn´t be a big deal to insert a relais instead of the switch. I just don´t no exactly who to wire the relay coil to the "collector to ground" switch of the triaxis. can I e.g. just put one end of the coil to the 9V of the...
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    using triaxis to switch a stompbox

    hi, I wanna use a ts808 clone. I want to order the parts and solder it myself. since I only wanna use it when I switch the triaxis and effects to lead-mode with the midi-board I would like to use one of the the 4 internal switches to also switch the tubescreamer with midi. does anyone have any...