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  1. D

    Tube question in triple rectifier

    I'm a tube newb so I need some help here. All 6 of my 6L6's are lighting up fine when I play. The one tube to the left of those has a really feint red glow, and the 2 on the left of that never light up at all. This does not change when I switch rectifiers or anything. I think one of the tubes is...
  2. D

    New around here: Triple Rec

    Thanks for the info guys and gals. I dusted off my TS7 today and it really sounds great with the amp. The more I dial this thing in the more I love it. The manual says Channel 2 sounds best on vintage but Channel 2 Modern gets me totally hot. I also used the Coil Split on my SGX and realized...
  3. D

    New around here: Triple Rec

    I'll be interested to see how well I cut. Coming from Orange and V30s, it might be a big change. With that amp, my guitar was out in front of everything and just didn't MIX that well with the band. I think this will fit in very well. We recorded our first CD with a Blue Voodoo head -- really...
  4. D

    New around here: Triple Rec

    Hey guys! Thanks for the cab suggestions. In the short term, I've traded my Orange 2x12 for a 1960 4x12. It's not terrible but I'll definitely keep an eye out for a Mills like you suggest.
  5. D

    New around here: Triple Rec

    Hey guys! Proud new Mesa owner here. I just traded my Orange Rocker 30 Head for a 3 channel Triple Rectifier straight up. I'm in love with it so far and I haven't even had a chance to get it past 1 volume yet. It's just so versatile as opposed to the Rocker which, although it has some incredible...