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  1. M

    dual rec dissapointing me....may need a change???

    I did make a change i sold my 3 channel dual rec and bought a Laney much better amp for thrash metal.
  2. M

    laney gh100l good for thrash metal.

    This could be my next amp.
  3. M

    Anyone using Dirt box on clean channel of 3 channel recto.

    Anyone having good results doing that.
  4. M

    Pinch harmonics have more top end with El34's?

    Thanks for the feedback everyone.
  5. M

    Mullard el34's in a rectifier?

    Can i use mullard el34s in a rectifier safely.
  6. M

    Tightening the loose bottom end of a 3 channell recto 101.

    Right now i have a real nice Rhoads tone the way i have my amp set up. Your right this isn't the ideal amp for thrash metal but it gets the job done fairly well it's a mesa, and right now thats good enough, maybe someday a mark v or something will be in the cards but not right now. I'm in a...
  7. M

    Tightening the loose bottom end of a 3 channell recto 101.

    First of all if you think scouping two frequencies on a mxr 10 band eq is drastically changing my amp that's just stupid.Second i use three pedals an eq,tubescreamer and a delay all out front nothing in the loop maybe a noise-gate in the future. As far as putting my settings back up no way, that...
  8. M

    Tightening the loose bottom end of a 3 channell recto 101.

    Finally someone with some intelligence, thank you.
  9. M

    Tightening the loose bottom end of a 3 channell recto 101.

    Are you saying a Recto isn't good for metal. As for my stack it slay's it goes up against my friends JSX everyday, most people like my tone better. But i do have better cabs. Oh and my recto does sound different than anyone elses. I deleted my settings morons like you aren't getting my tone...
  10. M

    Tightening the loose bottom end of a 3 channell recto 101.

    I love the sound of a Recto with the bottom end tight you prefer it loose, that's just s matter of taste. Keep in mind i play old school metal set up this way it excells at that, and everyone uses effects to augment there amps tone, not that i use alot of effects.
  11. M

    Tightening the loose bottom end of a 3 channell recto 101.

    Settings deleted .
  12. M

    Pinch harmonics have more top end with El34's?

    I solved the problem. I changed the eq settings on my mxr-10band, i scooped freq 125 and 250 the rest of the way out from -8 to -12 and increased the presence on channel three to 12:00. This tightend up that loose bottom end even more and is comparable to his JSX. Pinch harmonics also have...
  13. M

    Pinch harmonics have more top end with El34's?

    I can get pinch harmonics at will they just don't have quite the same top end bite as his JSX. Your saying it might help putting El34's in, before i drop 100$ thought i'd check with the board. El34's in his JSX.
  14. M

    Pinch harmonics have more top end with El34's?

    The pinch harmonics on my Recto sound great just not the same as my friends JSX. Will El34's make any difference or is that in the preamp tubes.
  15. M

    Power tube saturation

    Just asking and wanted to know if what i read was true. Your saying don't do it, crank the channel volume or get power attenuator.
  16. M

    Power tube saturation

    If i turn up the master volume on channel 3 and then use the global output as volume control will this get more power tube saturation, or is it the reverse.