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  1. D

    what is the serial number on your mark v

    Mark V Head #426
  2. D

    Anyone using an OD with their MV?

    I use a Keeley modded tube screamer in Ch 2 "Crunch" mode only. Love the way it pushes the front end of the amp to give it that mid range in your face punch. Perfect for 80's hard rock sound... I have found using it in Ch 2 crunch, 45 watt, tube rectifier, variac setting it can give you the...
  3. D

    Any EL34 users?

    I have been running KT77s in mine for about a month and love it. I know it's not exactly a EL34 but close enough. I prefer the mid range crunch over the 6L6s. I haven't lost any low end and to my ears its even tighter and smoother overall.