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The Boogie Board

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  1. K

    Roadster V6

    Anyone know what the Roadster v6 tube impacts?
  2. K

    Roadster Combo Channel Three Issue

    it turns out i had a tube that lost its seal. that is now fixed, but now there are volume issues on channel three. when i turn the volume all the way down, you can still hear sound. the sound is very low, but it won't turn all the way off like on other channels. then when you turn the volume up...
  3. K

    No volume with FX loop on with 2 ch dual

    i hate to ask something dumb, but do you have anything plugged into the effects loop? if nothing is plugged in the effects send and return loop, you won't hear any sounds.
  4. K

    Roadster Combo Channel Three Issue

    I have a Roadster 2x12 combo. Occasionally, channel three will change from sounding smooth and crisp to just plain rotten. Suddenly, the low E string will sound a LOT louder than any other string and the general crispness of channel is replaced by a muddy sound. I don't have this problem on any...