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  1. C

    roadster tube change w/mesa tubes or custom sets? why??????

    4 years of heavy gigging ,weather changes ,dropping my amp from 6ft high the mesa original stock tubes have done the job . i hear all you guys putting this tube and that tube in your amps,can i really do much better ? pros cons? i get a killer sound from mesa tubes just cant imagine getting much...
  2. C

    first time tube change

    gonna change tubes in my roadster head for first time been 3 years of regular gigging ,now im starting to hear noise more and not as good sound ,how do i order all the tubes and how much am i looking at for price ,thanks cc
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    Fuzzy tone from Roadster

    i have the zw emg set in my guitar , i lower the pickups a hair and has helped get a nice clean sound with my roadster and still plenty of metal tone in 3 and 4 . no boost pedal necessary ...
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    roadster takes a wicked fall at a gig !!!

    over the summer while getting ready to load my amp in the van before heading to a show my amp took a wicked crash to the floor. i was holding it with 2 hands about 5 ft off a cement floor and was looking to put it in a gig bag that is used for marshall amps when i caught my boot on a piece of...
  5. C

    Pop when I press the 2ch of my Dual Rectifier

    ya,like everyone has said already ,cycle through the footswitch in standby when you fire up the amp ...
  6. C

    has anyone had a roadster have a problem at a show?

    please share your story's about having trouble with a amp at a show ,and what you did to fix or diagnose the problem ,time it took ect. im starting this to help guys or girls out there playing shows to have real life scenarios to go by if they ever have a problem. knock on wood,ive had my...
  7. C

    tube situation....

    im right on my six month deadline for tube warranty , today i started hearing a tinty glass type noise every time i mute my strings that never was there . also with other guitars and im getting more white noise than im used to. whats the best aproach when calling mesa ,i have 2 full months of...
  8. C

    For the love of Mesa...

    20 years of marshall use ,i thought there was no better ..... until my new roadster came along last fall,ive since sold my 2 marshall heads zw 2203 and kk2203 and use the mesa for everything and the other great thing is i only use a 2x12 cab with it and it still performs better !!!!!i hope to...
  9. C

    Popping sound when switching channels

    the guy before me is right on!!! cycle through the foot switch when warming the amp up on standby every time you play and it wont make the popping sound again for that session, i never found out why it does it though ,so if any one knows id like to hear it......
  10. C

    Effects Loop mod from parallel to serial/ 4 cable Method

    my roadster dual recto is set up with the boss gt 8 via the 4 cable method ,just went to the boss gt forum and read the 4 cable post a few times ,hooked it up and had to adjust the boss gt8 ,so only the effects were on ,its the best sound you could imagine ,i have full mesa recto sound of the...
  11. C

    Roadster Lead Tone

    my lead tone setting is channel 3 set to spongy ,100 watts in the back and when i solo i hit the solo button for a bit of a boost, pres 1,bass all, mid 2, treb 2, gain 3,master 9, i run effects ,boss gt 8 via the 4 cable method through the loop,and only use it for delays and chorus ,that adds...
  12. C

    what makes a good lead/ solo tone?

    the eventide you have should be great for the delay and chorus,but i don't know how you should run it so you can change patches ,im sure there is some way ,cause for rhythm i use delay and chorus ,on some leads i change the delay ,but the basic amp sound i have matches dream theater.,and the...
  13. C

    what makes a good lead/ solo tone?

    i will give this a shot for you since no one else has, my lead sound is ch 3 100 w in the back, set to spongy, pres 2 bass all,mid 2, treb 230; gain 3 in the clock positions, master about 930 ,now all i use is ch 3 for lead and rhythm ,the big difference is i use a boss gt 8 for some delay and...
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    1st Band Practice with the Roadster

    before you add the eq, i would try to get a good tone first with the amp ,if anything a bit of delay and touch of chorus will bring this beast to life .....
  15. C

    New member saying hi!

  16. C

    1st Band Practice with the Roadster

    hi bro, ya channel 3 is the way to go ,this is what i do and i play in a bls tribute band with all the low tunings and a classic rock zz to zep type band and original and i barely change anything for all 3 bands. i set 3 to vintage ,100 watts on the back,recto tracking on the back,warm up the...
  17. C

    1st Band Practice with the Roadster

    hi,im a new roadster guy too ,but have been tweaking it for 2 months now and played a few shows allready,you say growl ? can you be more precise ,like to much gain or to much loudness ? what type of music are you playing ? mine is dialed in like god himself did it lol!! i play 2 types of music...
  18. C

    roadster rules at live show!!!!!

    new years came with a bang ,being a marshall user for 20 years, i never thought to much about mesa . i was happy with the sound of my zw 2203 and my kerry king 2203 half stack , on big stages would run stereo via a boss gt 8 . being in a black label society tribute band...
  19. C

    cause of 1 power tube being brighter than the others???

    noticed that looking into the rear of the amp ,the far right power tube top seems to be a little brighter than the others ,is this a problem? my amp is a roadster .....
  20. C

    Rectifier & JVM ... lead tone question (sorry)

    bro, i get a killer lead and rhythm tone ,with my roadster ,i use a boss gt 8 via the 4 cable method, just some delay ,chorus for rhythm and a little heavier delay for leads . had marshalls for years ,and now my mesa and les paul are goin in my coffin when i go, the best amp in the world!!!!!!