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    Just put a Weber Alnico Silver in my cab - MAJOR mojo tone!

    I thought you were trying to sell yours? Has the speaker swap changed your mind? I'm running the TA-15 thru a Mesa Recto 2x12 (V30's), I'm also looking for something more portable and vintage-flavored to lose the more modern feel the amp currently possesses thru this cab.
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    TA-15 Tarnishing...

    Did they ever get back to you?
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    New TransAtlantic: Unbearable Amounts of Hisssssss !!!

    Agreed. My TA-15 hisses when volume and tone go up... but not really any more than my other tube amps. In fact, my '79 Marshall JMP makes the Transatlantic seem quiet. Tube amps are gonna hum. Selecting different components (e.g. carbon comp vs carbon film vs metal fil resistors), for...
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    TA-15 Tarnishing...

    That is strange. I haven't had the same problem, but I don't sweat a lot... strings last forever for me. Have you heard anything back from them yet?
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    Mesa Transatlantic does Van Halen! (clip inside)

    Thanks for the comments/compliments. A thought about muddiness in the mix... there is suspicion that the overall mix suffered from a hollow/empty stage riser. Before the gig, it was noted that stomping on the stage caused some of the mics to feed back. Not sure how you dial that outta the mix.
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    Mesa Transatlantic does Van Halen! (clip inside)

    ... and Alice in Chains, and Slither, and a few others! My band played a gig this weekend, we had a studio come out and run the sound mix into cubase so we can make a demo. I thought it came out pretty killer, and though the mix isn't perfect, the guitar tracked beautifully. So well in fact I...
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    New Member - just snagged a Heartbreaker!

    I've had the amp one week, I threw the 2 x EL-34's in there on Friday. I just switched back to the 4 x 6L6's that came with the amp. I think it sounds better with the 6L6's, so they'll stay for now.
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    New Member - just snagged a Heartbreaker!

    Thanks. I'm enjoying it as we speak. :)
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    New Member - just snagged a Heartbreaker!

    Greetings all. I'm new to the board (first post! 8) ), and new to Mesa Boogie. I just picked up a Mesa Heartbreaker, s/n HRT00258, at GC for $599 + tax, total $650 out the door. Bought it spur of the moment on a whim, after a quick demo near closing time. Seemed it would probably go out...