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  1. W

    Mark 111 with extra resistors

    Me again - have cracked the basic problem - the two outer tube bases have loose pin sockets so giving the whole damn thing a good shake takes it from miracle tone to a bad sound city clone complete with bangs and whistles - so they will have to go. Funny thing is that they have been replaced...
  2. W

    Mark 111 with extra resistors

    Hi - this Mark III is a Simul-Class/Class A. It seems to have had a hard life and the circuit board components are coated in tobacco film and just plain dirt. There were two self-tapping screws loose inside the amp casing and an broken-off output valve locating spigot. I am beginning to think...
  3. W

    Mark 111 with extra resistors

    Hi - I have a Mark 111 (red stripe DR marked) in for repair with a variety of faults which I am fixing. However, at some point someone has fitted a pair of 10-watt 470 ohm enamel wirewound resistors in parallel (making a 230 ohm 20-watt resistor) between pins 3 and 4 of the outer pair of output...