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  1. M

    Triaxis and GT-6 Tone Suck problem seems to be solved!

    Hi, icurrently own a GT6 and I'm about to buy teh triaxis. Some questions questions: 1. I was going to connect it in the following way, please advise if i'm too mistaken Guitar -> Triaxis Input Triaxis Send -> GT6 input GT6 output stereo -> Triaxis return stereo Triaxis outputs -> power amp...
  2. M

    Boss GT-8 or GT-10

    Hey I currently have a GT6 and I'm about to buy the Triaxis... I say a post about controlling via MIDI the triaxis with the GT6? Is that real? Can I actually change a patch in the GT6 and automatically change the preset in the triaxis? If so, please help me to know how I need to connect it and...