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  1. J

    Channel 3 for lead

    I'm playing thru a Les Paul standard and an SG 61 reissue. I'm playing loud enough to match the volume of the drums. I'm trying to use this channel as my lead channel. I'm going to try some different ideas tonight. Thanks for everybodies advice.
  2. J

    Channel 3 for lead

    Celestion vintage 30's. max out the treble and take out all the bass?
  3. J

    Channel 3 for lead

    I can not dial in a good sound for lead on this channel, maybe its my cab, i'm using a 2-12 fender super-sonic. Its dark sounding. I've got it switched to bright, presence at 12 sometimes higher. the highs, high, lows and mids way down, tried many different settings. This will be mainly...
  4. J

    Noise Gate In My Dual Rectifier

    Can somebody recommend wether or not its a good idea to run a noise gate in the effects loop of my Dual Rectifier? I dont want to lose any tone and I'm running only one pedal, a SD-1 Overdrive. The OD pedal is not going thru my effects loop.
  5. J

    Would I REALLY benefit from a Maxon OD808 in front?

    I'm using a Boss SD-1, modified by Analog Mike thru my Dual Rectifier. I love the way it sounds. I also have a modded DS-1 which is a little too harsh unless I'm using it thru the clean channel. Just giving you another way to go here.
  6. J

    Three Channel Dual Rectifier

    I just bought this and have a question about the footswitch setting. I am running no effects. But I do want to use the solo feature of the footswitch and access the different channels by the footswitch. Do I just plug in and set the rotary selector n the back to footswitch? Then does the...