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  1. P

    Hi guys, dc3 owner here need help

    I love my mesa boogie dc3, I really do, it's so ridiculously close to what I'm looking for in an amp. Why does it have this creamy, smooth round voice? I'm pretty sure a lot of the mesa boogie entry level el84 powered amps have this kind of tone like the f30. Is it the el84s? is it the lower...
  2. P

    just put el34s into my dual recti and now there's some noise

    the tubes have a blue glow to them and I don't know if thats bad but now the amp is making additional ringing noises while I'm playing or especially if my guitar is close to the head. no it's not feedback, it's weird
  3. P

    Presence on channel 1 modern settings not working?

    Well now the question is if what I'm saying is indeed possible and if it is fixable because the mesa guy around here was telling me that it's impossible and I just can't hear the presence knob working.
  4. P

    Presence on channel 1 modern settings not working?

    yeah I just read that in the manual so I tried turning the other presence knob and it also doesn't do anything.
  5. P

    Presence on channel 1 modern settings not working?

    I'm sorry, what does clone mean?
  6. P

    Presence on channel 1 modern settings not working?

    I have an old 2 channel dual rectifier, I'm sure everyone here knows that The following settings are (channel 1)Green - Vintage/Modern (channel 1)Orange - Vintage/Modern (channel 2) Red- Vintage/Modern I'm quite sure that the presence doesn't work under the modern green and orange. I can...
  7. P

    Is it okay if I don't bypass the loop?

    K I'm just asking because I don't know if it should effect the tone. I feel like I can hear a difference but I'm not sure how much of that is psychological. whats the point of the bypass anyways?
  8. P

    Is it okay if I don't bypass the loop?

    I'm sorry, I don't really understand.
  9. P

    Is it okay if I don't bypass the loop?

    I have an older 2 channel Dual Rectifier from 96-97 and I noticed that if I don't bypass the loop, I can use the "loop active master" knob as an additional volume. I found this to be very useful because it gives me more control over my volume but I can't tell if it's affecting my tone or not. I...