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  1. T

    Problems with the Mark V so far?

    Check out my settings for the Mark I .... in that thread! Just ridiculous tone....
  2. T

    What Speaker do You use for Your Mark V

    Avatar 1x12 closed back. Eminence Delta Pro 12a Love the complaints at all.
  3. T

    Mark I mode... What the Hell is it for?

    Just tried it out again today, to make sure I wasn't falsely claiming that the Mark I mode now works for me all of a sudden.... ...Its settled! The amp was worth this one mode alone! OMG! I still can't get over how I can get such a usable clean sound when I roll off the volume and when I...
  4. T

    Mark I mode... What the Hell is it for?

    Normally I just play Crunch, never dug the Mark I mode due to its dark character. But based on this thread, I just spent about an hour trying to tweak the Mark I mode. OMG!!!! I love this mode now. The tone is thick and full. Has the right amount of crunch and fits the bill for most of my...
  5. T

    Anyone using an OD with their MV?

    I'm surprised nobody is posting what pickups you are using. I'd say that has the biggest impact on which OD pushes your amp to what level. I remember using my Schecter with a Dimarzio Super Distortion into the clean chance of getting something really clean. Now with my EBMM...
  6. T

    MXR Carbon Copy

    I use it in my FX Loop... EB Musicman Silhouette -> Peterson Tuner -> Mark V Input -> Mark V Send -> Dunlop Wah -> MXR Carbon Copy -> Boss Chorus Ensemble -> Mark V return. Depending on the gig and the overall volume I am playing at...I go between the following settings. Works for all...
  7. T

    I have left the fold =(.

    I've had the amp for 2 weeks now...and really only messed with it for 4 days which included 2 band practices. The amp is perfect for live situations. The fact that it does lack a bit of bass is probably its best asset when it comes to live and cutting through the mix. It carves its own space...
  8. T

    New to Mesa and Mark V Owner - Some questions...

    Ok I'm back from vacation... my thoughts... do I say this... THIS IS ONE FRIGGIN AWESOME AMP!!!! Thank you guys for being patient with me and not flaming me, with my initial post. So here is the long and short of it... I got back home, plugged the head into the 2x12 attached...
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    I Found My Lead Tone!!!

    Can't wait to have my "moment" like this...
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    New to Mesa and Mark V Owner - Some questions...

    Ok I'm getting the picture now... Thanks guys for the info. If I recollect what I did...I can now understand why it sounded like my 4x12 was blown. I had the bass on the EQ maxed out too. !!! :oops: Oh another thing .... I had all the channels set to 10w and I was barely past 8:00 on the...
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    New to Mesa and Mark V Owner - Some questions...

    Hi Guys! I'm new to Mesa/Boogie and a new Mark V head owner ... Owned a DC-2 Studio Caliber back in 1998...but then sold it shortly after for a '66 Fender Deluxe Reverb. Got my Mark V on thursday night, got a chance to play with it friday morning for a few minutes and then packed and left for...