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The Boogie Board

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  1. B

    Is it just me or does the single-ended Class A 5 watt mode

    basically suck. The Mesa marketing material raves about the nuance and harmonic glaze etc. and I feel that I should be hearing something sublime and uber special. And I don't! Dammit. Anyone else does?
  2. B

    Got a new OCD and a Fulldrive yesterday.

    :D Tried the OCD between my Les paul and my LSS! Magic! :D Will post additional reviews later. These fulltone pedals are killers.
  3. B

    Love at first feel......Stiletto Deuce Stage II !!!!!!

    OK guys, some of you know that I got a series 1 in dec 05. I've just spent 10 minutes warming up my brand new Deuce Stage II. I'll keep adding to this thread as I uncover differences issues etc but I got to tell you... For me Stil #1's best feature was Crunch on the Blue channel. I didn't want...
  4. B

    Brand new F50 Custom Color Cocoa Bronco + Tan Grill

    Its on ebay
  5. B

    Need help...Stiletto .. bold/spongy

    Hello all, Just joined the board and also recently purchased a Stiletto. No issues with quality, sound, etc. and for all practical purposes its exactly what I think I wanted for 1700 (ouch) bucks. Here's my dilemma... Exactly twice I have noticed my sound drop substantially while in the spongy...