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  1. T

    How would you improve the Mark V

    all i can say is AMEN BROTHER! ~mike~
  2. T

    Roadster owners - please give your honest opinion

    deizel vs mesa?.... deizel... ~mike~
  3. T

    You aren't giving the Extreme mode it's fair chance

    What frustrated me was that a Mark III sounded great through my cabinet, and the Mark V did not. .... or through its own built in cabinet. When you cant get decent bass but all from the most monstous of cabinets, something needs to be reworked, and it isnt the cab. Its crazy tho, they had it...
  4. T

    You aren't giving the Extreme mode it's fair chance

    i was using a ported 1/12 cabinet, ( real folding port , not just holes).The thing is you shouldnt HAVE to spend another 5-600 bucks on an extra cab, just because the amp designer made a poor choice. its like saying, hey my mercedes stalls at idle.. get a new engine! lol or dont get that...
  5. T

    You aren't giving the Extreme mode it's fair chance

    to the OP, youre right, extreme mode does sound the best. It should have simply been named Mark V mode. ~mike~
  6. T

    You aren't giving the Extreme mode it's fair chance

    or maybe the guys who post not enough bass, are ACTUAL OWNERS OF THE AMP, rather than who guesses on transformer size, and assumes incorrectly that transformers are the sole determiner of bass levels and or timbre. Mike~
  7. T

    Now that my friends is a good deal...

    yeah that did seem a little suspect to me.
  8. T

    Now that my friends is a good deal...|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1205|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 very tempting.... People get way to obsessed over having...
  9. T

    Mark V on Ebay

    Hope it sells, just sold mine for 1800. ~mike~
  10. T

    Mark V Clip (Channel 2 Crunch Mode)

    I thought Channel two crunch mode gain and trebble full up was the best gain sound on the Mark V. Very clean and more alive than any of the Mark settings. Mesa should base an amp around that alone (or is that what the stilletto is?) ~mike~
  11. T

    Cascading Pres in Mark 1 mode...

    the answer is you dont. Mesa decided it was a bad idea... Dont ask why... there may be no reason. ~mike~
  12. T

    Kind of surprised at the negatives....

    responses to three. of these. mark one. Who wants to spend 2 grand on amp with only 2/3 of it useable? (althought i did find it useable) The Mark III's low end stomped all over this thats all i know. Eq. Compared to a mark III, it really is cheap and crappy. No where near the prescision, and...
  13. T

    Part of the reason why i no longer have my mesa and vht...

    Unfortunately it doesn't exist in new form ( which i want cuz im obsessive). The best tone i ever heard was a 1993 VHT Classic 100 reverb combo. Perfect, i mean PERFECT high gain tone, defined , heavy, and this vocal bark to it that just .... HEAVEN. I played it at GC, it was in GREAT condition...
  14. T

    I have left the fold =(.

    haha , cool, im glad youre enjoying it man. In the end it just wasn't for me. And i really dig my tweaked bugera 333xl. Anyways im glad this worked out. one dude gets a great amp at a great price. one dude gets a second chance at finding his "dream" amp, (which may be a dream). ~mike~
  15. T

    Part of the reason why i no longer have my mesa and vht... my playing sux. And i could have dialed down the treble. Finally the camera reallllly sux sound wise. But yeah. It sounds great in the room. It shall tide me over till i get my dream amp. For now , paying for eye surgery will be my main focus. ~mike~
  16. T

    I have left the fold =(.

    Wow guys you have impressed me, first product forum i've seen where cats dont flame you out for not following their path, i have to get to work, but i must say. Bravo. Harmonycentral this is not =). ~mike~
  17. T

    I have left the fold =(.

    i had to... i sold my mark v today. 1800 bucks. Ive had it for 2 months but it just wasnt working. I got some great tones, but in the end the small things really got to me. The limited loop assignabilty, the crippled eq, the overall lack of bass. In the end for $2000 bucks i wasnt nearly as...
  18. T

    EQ Sliders Vs. Preset Knobs

    Randall really just completely muffed up the sliders on the Mark V, i dont know why he couldnt just keep it the way it was. But yeah the preset knob really does sound spot on. ~mike~
  19. T


    My biggest gripe is the lame sounding crippled EQ section, and lack of attainable bass as a result ( non muddy bass). That and it was dumb to not make the FX loop individually assignable to each channel. Oh and finally it was REALLY dumb to loose both gain controls. ~mike~
  20. T

    Crunch channel help

    After swapping my V1 for a chinese one, i find R2 with gain full, trebble almost full, bass and mid at like 9 oclock and mid pres, on crunch mode, gives me something in the same county as my old VHT. nice clear kinda heavy crunchy rythym, great for leads. I didnt like that channel however with...