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  1. S

    Lonestar Special Main Board Removal Question (relay repl.)

    Hi : I have been having some very irritating issues with my LSS, it's a beautiful sounding amp but worthless if unreliable. I've documented what I did in case anyone else experiences a similar iassue, I'm pretty sure I'v got it licked, but you never know :) The issue was the amp would cut in...
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    RectoVerb 25 Effects Loop

    Anyone know if it is serial or parallel ? Thanx Scott
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    Thank You
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    Hi All Does anyone know where I can source LDR's for my DC-3 ? I am having switching problems and by the diagram I don t see what else it can be. Thanx Scott
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    Don't know how to mute the notes sweep picking?

    I am also learning some sweep techniques after putting it off for 20+ years, I kinda agree with the guy about emotionless playing but it does have a lot of very musical uses like fills, lead ins, lead outs etc. You can also kind of emulate a piano's right hand. I think the reason I was...
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    DC-3 comparison

    +100 I hated the IV for that. It was made to please those who are twiddlers and anyone who isnt is F(&*ed. S
  7. S

    DC Mods that are easy to do!

    Could I get the Schematic for the DC3 Bias mod, The one you posted must be for the 6L6 Version as my drawing : . Has no 22K to ground :(. [email protected] Thanx
  8. S

    DC-3 Bias resistors

    Hi can anyone tell me if I am correct in my assumption that I can replace the 33k in the bias supply with a pot to control the bias voltage, or would that give me too little adjustment ? Maybe I need to vary one of the 220k's on each pair ? From this drawing...
  9. S

    DC-3 Bias Mod

    Can someone please repost the DC-3 adjustable bias mod ? My baby seems a bit hot... Thanx in a advance. Scott
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    Mark V gutshots

    Funny, I dont see any LDRs... Or are those Orange relay looking things the new outline ?
  11. S

    dc-3 vs. 50. cal.

    I like the DC-3. 6L6 amps are too raw for me. EL84 Power section is the way to go. I used a DC-3 for about 5 years and loved it. A storm took it and I "upgraded " to a Mk IV and since then(5 years) have never been able to get those sweet tight compressed singing tones the DC did so well and...
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    Anyone here go from III to a IV and regret it?

    I went from a DC-3 to a mark IV and regretted it. I've played the MKIV for about 5 years now and I have never been entirely happy with it. I've tried tons of different tubes and El34 substitutions but could never achieve the tone my DC had. I think they are a very strong flavored amp and taste...
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    DC Mods that are easy to do!

    Could someone send me the Series Effect loop drawing ? [email protected] Thanx
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    Does any one use a compressor with their Mark IV?

    I use a Keeley right after a TS-9 (homemade). I use it mostly on the clean channel and occasionally on the dirt.
  15. S

    Tryimg to understand "Simulclass"

    I think you are right there is a 220K resistor that is shared on both tubes bias circuit on the left and the same on the right. If I am reading the diagram correctly it looks like the Vneg-220K - 220K -2.2M-Gnd forms a voltage divider and the outer tubes come off the 2.2M / 220K junction and...
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    Tryimg to understand "Simulclass"

    Thanx stokes, good detailed info , but I am unclear on one thing. Why do you say the inner tubes biased hotter ? Shouldn't the tubes(outside) that are near class A be hotter ? Or am I not getting something very basic. Looking at the diagram it seems to me that the outside tubes have a lower neg...
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    Tryimg to understand "Simulclass"

    A million questions arise .. -So, How do you bias these simulclass amps ? -What idle current should the "class A" tubes be drawing ? -What about the others ? -If I just put a control on the bias supply then I will be changing the bias of all tubes at once, but what am I shooting for ? -Do I...
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    Tryimg to understand "Simulclass"

    I am trying to understand the Simulclass Power section in my MkIV, if someone has time could they help me out ? By Looking at the diagram at : Please tell me if I am wrong. 1) It appears to me that one set of tubes is run as Class A...
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    Mark IV effects loop

    Ok, I'll try at rehearsal tonight, but I am doubtful, as one side is working OK. Wouldn't the left and right be summed with a couple resistors before reaching V2b? Thanx S
  20. S

    Mark IV effects loop

    Hi I have a Mark IV - a while back the right return channel of the effects loop stopped working. The Mk IV drawing I have shows a different effects loop setup than my amp. My amp a Mono Send, and Stereo/Mono return, the drawing I have shows a "normal loop / Switched loop configuration. Does...