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  1. A

    LSS throbbing sound/fuse blow

    I had the same problem with an throbbing oscilation and crackling and it turned out to be a preamp tube, I didn't really hear much noise when I flicked it, but when I pulled it out it completely broke apart. I would replace the cathode follower preamp tubes and maybe the rectifier tube too if...
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    ft switchable drive?

    Couldn't you wire a stereo jack in where the reverb jack is and then run a stereo cable to a Boss FS-6 and be able to control both your reverb and drive. I also think it might be cool to put a relay in to switch the effects loop. I think this is a great mod and thank the people who decided to...
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    Tube advice for rectifier preamp

    You need to have some good chinese tubes in the cathode follower positions because they will destroy certain tubes. I know in my road king it's v3 an v4 that are the picky ones.