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  1. S

    E-Bay: Mesa Rectoverb Head - Possible Buyer Warning

    sick! isnt it a quincidence that my favorite model of carvin guitars is the "sweet carvin guitar!" SICK IM SO GETTING IT
  2. S

    Triple Rec with behringer 412 vs. Peavey 5150 with 212 mesa

    less boomy in a good way? and are we talking about the behringer with the wheels on the one side only and it has like a marshall grill cloth?
  3. S

    cabinet confusion...

    i only like cabs that have the speakers straight and so is the cab design. i dont like slant. or the straight ones that have slant speakers
  4. S

    cabinet confusion...

    what do you call the rec cab that the speakers are straight and the cab is what do you call the rec cab that the speakers are slanted and the cab is straight. (i hate the ones that are straight bodies but with slanted speakers)
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    Triple Rec with behringer 412 vs. Peavey 5150 with 212 mesa

    ya i know. i am a bedroom player at age 16 too (wtf?) but idc if the amp is only good loud my parents dont care (at 2am they would) lol
  6. S

    Triple Rec with behringer 412 vs. Peavey 5150 with 212 mesa

    **** my balls, my friend allready sold his marshall **** :evil: :evil: :evil:
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    Triple Rec with behringer 412 vs. Peavey 5150 with 212 mesa

    UPDATE i made the decision to go for the 5150 with the cab but my friends selling his marshall 1960 for 450 so im getting that instead of the mesa 212. peace
  8. S

    Cab for my Roadster combo?

    vader 212 400 new custom eminence legends (normal custom eminence legends but slighlty modified for vader) best cabinets ever. even better then mesa. everyone will dissagree with me but celestion is garbage compared to eminence!
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    dimensions for 5150 cab

    my friend wants to know and hes lazy. the 5150 cabinet (not 6505) unless they're the same size still. measurement of cabinet without wheels please
  10. S

    Play`n Dual rec through bass cab?

    all i have to say is "chug fest" : put a condom on, as you may experience ejaculation
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    Triple Rectifier-Dual Rectifier. How to?

    If you take a triple rec and take out 1 rectifier tube and 2 powertubes will it become 100 watts and identical to a dual rec? and does it matter which 2 powertubes you have to take out?
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    Roadster Live Volume question

    same thing happened to me. its called hearing loss. theres nothing wrong with your amp i think.
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    Which one do you use? (do you use one i did not suggest) why do you like yours?...
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    I think I am sold on the Roadster

    man boosting the roadster with a maxon od808 (when i say boost i mean like 0 gain,10 level, tone w.e you want kinda deal) will make that amp friggin sing! if you play heavy stuf, i dont care what anyone else says, maxon od808 and roadster is a win (for the heavy stuff) now do you meen boosting...
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    Triple Rec with behringer 412 vs. Peavey 5150 with 212 mesa

    lol you did not even read the question :)
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    Triple Rec with behringer 412 vs. Peavey 5150 with 212 mesa

    ya. what im deffinatley gonna do is buy the triple rec and if i dont like it i could sell it (but i promise you guys i will give the amp at least 2m months before i try to sell it) and i cant really save my pennies hahah. i sold my other amp, got money from that. now i get the rest of money from...
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    clean channel problem

    my neighbours dual rec had this problem. we tried firecrackers in the fx loop (put them in then light) and it seemed to make things worse :shock:
  18. S

    Triple Rec with behringer 412 vs. Peavey 5150 with 212 mesa

    Hey i sold my old preamp and poweramp but still have my berhinger cab, if I buy my buddies triple rec i will be out of money so i'll have to run it threw my behringer 412. but if I get a cheap 5150 i can probably afford my other friends 212 rectifier cabinet so which would give me better tone...