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  1. C

    Single Recto speaker inputs

    I have two 4 ohm cabs. A Marshall 1960 and a home made 2x12 with a Geenback and a V30. Both have 4 ohm inputs. Am I able to hook these up to the two 4 ohm outputs in my Single Rectifier?
  2. C

    I broke it

    I have a US Single Recto that I run on 240v in Australia through a step down transformer. Twice now I have mistakenly plugged it sraight into 240V. The first time I blew the fuse but it was all good. This time I think I have damaged it. The clean channel is fine but the O/D channel has lost...
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    any ideas?

    Gig last night and out of the blue my amp refuses to switch channel by its dedicated pedal. I get by with switching it by the switch on the back of the amp and alternately using a O/D pedal to go from clean to O/D during songs. Then it decides that the solo switch (on the same pedal) is not...
  4. C


    I used the Mesa recommended setting from the manual last night and got a brilliant sound after a bit of tweaking. Nicest modern sound I have got so far. Who knew? Only problem is I get a fair amount of humming. Is this normal? The gain is on about 11.00.
  5. C


    I have a Single Recto which I use only for jamming and gigs, not for home practice normally. I set it up today because I was home by myself and noticed a slight transformer hum. I have never heard it jamming or gigging as there is too much noise in those cases. I think it is from the output...
  6. C

    So who makes Bugera tubes

  7. C

    Bogner Alchemist

    So the Bogner Alchemist is still coming soon. I was interested in this but couldn’t wait. Anyone know the story. It seems a long introduction to something that is still not here.
  8. C

    BBE Supa Charger vs T Rex Fuel Tank

    I currently have in my sights either a BBE Supa Charger or a T Rex Fuel Tank. The BBE is cheaper and has two 12v outlets which are perfect for my two TC Nova pedals as well as 9v outlets for my other pedals. Ultimately the pedal board will consist of an Ibanez Weeping Demon wah, two TC novas, a...
  9. C

    Single Recto effects loop

    From what I have read the effects loop on the Single Rectos is less than ideal. I experienced this last night when I ran a chorus through mine. I have only had the amp a couple of weeks but the previous week with nothing in the loop and the mix knob set to low the thing sounded superb. This week...
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    Damage Control

    Anyone tried or own one of these? Thoughts? I am seriously thinking about one but here in good ol Adelaide Australia I have next to no chance of trying one. I only use these types of effect for particular songs but the thought of having them all together in a package that doesn’t include...
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    transformer hum

    I have a second hand Single Recto. It works fine and sounds great but the power transformer makes a slight hum when on. Is this normal?
  12. C

    Genuine vs other tubes for single recto

    OK. I have a second hand Single Recto that I cannot power up as I don’t have a step down transformer yet (live in Australia bought from US) . I have read the spiel from Randall Smith about bias etc and how Mesa tubes are set to stricter standards than many others. The amp I have has some Russian...
  13. C

    Recto noob

    I am expecting delivery of my Single Recto soon and I am flicking through the manual while I wait (probably the only time I’ve read a manual before jumping in at the deep end!). The amp has a gain, master and output. Does this mean you can set the gain level, the power amp level and then control...
  14. C

    single recto conversion

    I have just bought a Single Recto form the US and live in Australia. Is the conversion from 110v to 240v a difficult/complex/expensive one? I have ordered a step down transformer in the mean time.