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  1. L

    SOLD Mesa Boogie Black Shadow MS-12 Eminence Speaker 1980s

    8 ohms, 150W Remarkably perfect condition for a 35 year old speaker. Was OEM speaker for Mesa Mark II series amps in the late 70s to mid 80s. Mesa Boogie recommended the EVM for country and jazz players, and the stock MS-12 for blues and rock players due to more color in the low mids. SOLD
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    no longer for sale

    IIC+ no longer for sale
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    June 1984 IIC+ tube

    Hi there, I have a well-maintained IIC+ 60W Reverb Combo, I'm the second owner. It has always had this tube in the tube retainer on the inside wall of the cabinet - a spare tube I'm sure. I just sent the chassis in for a pot cleaning and service, so I unpinned the tube to take a look. For all I...
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    WTB: Mesa Boogie Royal Atlantic 1x12 27

    I'm looking for a Mesa Boogie Royal Atlantic 1x12 27" wide version in good condition. Price will depend on condition, but I'm not terribly price sensitive within reason, and I won't lowball you.
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    all sold please delete

    all sold plesae delete
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    Celestion, EV speakers for sale

    1) Celestion G12T-75 speakers from the mid 80s, Made in England, sound great, 16 ohms, two available, $70 each shipped - rare good ones, so much better than the reissues, the sound of the 80s. 2) Electrovoice 300W Black Label 16 OHM EVM 12L, unused - $150 shipped
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    Anatomy of a Mark II Big Brother Combo

    Cleaned it up and took some shots while doing so, for the record. Didn't need much cleaning, just oiled the wood lightly, dusted things off. All original everything, including the Fetron in V1 (with 12ax7/Fetron switch), and the 12ax7 spare. It's a Boogie Mark IIa Koa combo HRG with an EV 15...
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    IIC+ Presence on Front Panel - Was this ever a stock feature

    All, just trying to figure out if there's a definitive answer to why the Presence is on the front of Hetfield's Crunch Berries IIC+ amp that he seems to use on every record since MOP. I have a 60W Domestic/Reverb/EQ and a 100W Export/Simul/Reverb/EQ - neither has the presence on the front of...
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    IIC+ eBay Score?

    I just bought this IIC+ on eBay. I already have a Simul Export fully loaded, and I had it converted from combo to head/cab and redone in Imbuya/Wicker by Mesa, and the cost for me for the finished product was over twice what I paid for this. This one that I just bought on eBay has a Celestion...
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    My IIC+ combo, reborn

    Sent my black tolex combo off to MB at MB and this is how it was returned to me. The nerve of him! It's a fully loaded export, sounds great at any volume. That's a Thiele with the old EV in it. I like it through my Marshall 4x12 with mid-80s G12T-75s quite a bit.
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    Single, Dual, Triple Recto all marketing?

    My amp tech, a certified Mesa Boogie repair shop owner, tells me that the rectifier series of amps have their rectifier tubes wired in parallel. Therefore, power is never doubly or triply rectified. Those other tubes are simply backups in case the main tube fails. Anyone else surprised by...
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    Halfback 2x12 - best speaker combination?

    What's your favorite speaker combo in a Mesa halfback? With what amp? What style of music?
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    Tremoverb - Which Cab is Best?

    Hello all - what cab and speaker combos have you used with your Tremoverb for best results? Is the matching Rectifier cab necessarily the best choice?
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    Mesa Vintage 30s

    Are the speakers that I buy on the mesaboogie site the same as the Celestion Vintage 30s that I would buy elsewhere? Or are they the special Vintage 30s that Mesa gets to put in its cabs?
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    Izzy Stradlin GNR AFD tone - Which color MK III?

    Does anyone know? Which stripe?
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    Tremoverb Design Flaw?

    I was speaking with one of my favorite amp builders and I mentioned my recent purchase of a 1998 Tremoverb. This is what he said: 1) Screen grid resistor is underspec'd and will end up burning up and charring - needs to be upgraded to a 5 watt. 2) There is a resistor in the low voltage...
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    Controlling Volume in a Mark IV

    Well, it's hit me recently that I maybe shouldn't think vintage, but just think the more recent Mark IV, maybe even a new one. After all, it's the culmination of all Mesa/Boogie's experience, right? And it's new... My big concern is volume, since I'm mainly a home player. Can I hook the...
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    Mark IIC+ Slave Out - How does it work?

    I understand the IIC+ slave out was used by Metallica to slave the amp into a Marshall head with 6550s, and then into a Marshall 4x12 cab with Vintage 30s. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Did they go into the front end of the Marshall head, or in through an effects return, hitting only the...