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  1. S

    .50 Caliber + Effects Loop...Serial or Parallel?

    .50 Caliber + Effects Loop...Serial or Parallel? The title asks it all! Thanks in advance!
  2. S

    Mesa's EVM12L: Attached with four, or eight fasteners each?

    The subject title pretty much sums it up. I just got a used vertical 2x12 Recto cab w/V30's...and they are held with four fasteners each. I was just wondering how many fasteners Mesa uses to mount the heavy EVM12L to the baffleboard, as the V30's are on their way out. My Fender w/EVM12L uses...
  3. S

    Where can I get a bias pot installed in So-Cal?

    Where can I get a bias pot installed in So-Cal? I called the Mesa Hollywood store this week and asked for the amp shop portion of the store. The fella that answered the phone said that he could advise about amp mods...and without hesitation said, "I don't recommend it". Did I get some sales...
  4. S

    .50 Caliber + (Are 6550/KT88's an option?)

    I am very satisfied by my .50 Caliber + preamp section so far, yet I love my Sunn model T (early 1974 model) for its wide open headroom and powerful punch. I am not looking for a model-T clone, and cannot spend $$$ on various 6L6 sets. How much is a basic bias pot install? I will drive to...
  5. S

    Need Help: .50 Caliber + preamp tubes positions/functions?

    I will try to keep this as short as possible...looking from the rear, the amp the pre's are lined from left to right...beginning from the power cord side: POWER CORD SIDE (A) 12AX7 (B) 12AT7 (C) 12AX7 (D) 12AX7 (E) 12AX7 INPUT JACK SIDE I am assuming :? from previous "searches" that (E) is...
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    Do you lubricate the pins before installation?

    I have a general question... Do you lube the pins of the tubes before installation? I am a little bothered by the prospect of repeatedly pushing/pulling on the pc board mounted preamp tube sockets of my Mesa 50 Cal. plus. The power tubes are no prob, since they are chassis mounted. The...
  7. S

    .50 Caliber + losing "attack" whe turned up loud..

    I just got my first Mesa, and I like it very much. I have already replaced the worn STR-425 5881's with a pair of STR-440 6L6 (yellow group). The preamp tubes are Sovtek 12AX7wa that came with the amp. The sound has improved, but when the amp is turned up and a chord is strummed...the attack...
  8. S

    Missing EQ knobs

    I am a newbie here, so I do respect the "search function", and will use it before posting. I am looking for a some EQ knobs for a .50 Caliber +. I typed in the phrase "missing eq knobs", but the "search" function gave me over 500 matching threads to the query! There must be number of private...
  9. S

    What tool is used to clean the tube socket contacts?

    I have seen the recent post about cleaning the pots/and tube sockets with Caig Deoxit products (great stuff, I have used Caig's older line of product). I need to order some Caig for home use. My actual question has more to do with the tools (disposable or otherwise) to get into the tube...